Plugin: Sliders & Carousels

Plugin: Sliders & Carousels

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WordPress › Meta Slider


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Review collections:

15 Best WordPress Slider Plugins 2015 - sourcewp

Logo Slider

Plugins based on “swiperjs”

Swiper - The Most Modern Mobile Touch Slider sa repo na nolimits4web/swiper: Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions

Ispada da je SwiperJS jedini koji nema dependency, tako da je jedino rešenje.

Zaključak je sledeći - prvi ešalon po kvalitetu su GutSlider kao bez dileme najbolji ali mi se čini da polako ide u pravcu Premium only, Good Slider za PHP dev, WP Swiper kao solidan i funkcionalan, a za Logo je idealan Awesome Logo Carousel.

Good Slider with repo goodwp/good-slider: A simple and extendable slider block for WordPress using Swiper is only loaded on the page where it is used and functions correctly, except for the lack of any settings through the UI - almost none, so I can’t force it to have multi-page slides for logos - but this is intentional. It actually exposes all settings through the ‘good-slider/swiper-options’ hook. Currently, the plugin does not offer any slider configuration in the editor UI but provides numerous PHP filter hooks to modify its behavior. It includes a minimal version of Swiper (30K) that contains only the essential modules. In later versions, it has received exactly what is needed, making it my favorite choice for simple sliders.

Evo kako se prenose opcije:

Swiper API


    $swiperOptions = apply_filters('good-slider/swiper-options', [], $attributes);

    $html = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor($content);
    if ($html->next_tag(['class' => 'wp-block-good-slider'])) {
        $html->set_attribute('data-swiper-options', wp_json_encode($swiperOptions));
    return $html->get_updated_html();

    return $content;

WP Swiper koristi Swiper JS, a taj sam isti JS lib koristio i na LIM London, ali ovaj plugin nisam ni probao. Loše je što se učitava na svakoj strani (napisao sam autoru poruku i on je expresno to izmenio), ali generalno nije loš. Uspeo sam da nađem opciju: “Slides per view” i to je to što mi treba za logo-e.

GutSlider – All in One Block Slider is a significantly more comprehensive offering by the same author as “Awesome Logo Carousel.” It is a true slider that conditionally loads on pages, utilizing SwiperJS. It also includes templates for the Logo Carousel Block, which are displayed as separate blocks but can be configured not to be visible. In fact, this is arguably the best-made slider available. It supports links and all standard features seamlessly - truly the best option. However, as it evolves, more upsell elements are being added, and I am certain a Premium version will be introduced, which is why I no longer favor it.

Awesome Logo Carousel Gutenberg Block je idealan za Meritplan, od odličog autora, a koristi Swiperjs. Sve radi kao što i treba da radi, ali napominjem da slike nisu linkabilne i učitava se na svakoj strani. Reši učitavanje i sasvim je ok za Logo slider, jer tu links ni ne treba.

The Gutenslider WordPress Slider Block plugin has Freemius integration, which might be off-putting at first - but it uses SwiperJS. However, as soon as you start using it, you are bombarded with upsells. It doesn’t load on every page, but its JS bundle seems quite extensive. As I anticipated, the “Multiple Slides per View” feature is only available in the paid version, so I suggest forgetting about it.

Swiper JS Slider is not a block-plugin, but an older type of plugin, so forget about it. The same situation applies to XO Slider, even though both use SwiperJS.

Slider by Supsystic se učitava na svakoj strani bez razloga, klasičan je plugin a ne Block, pokušava da upsell-uje i izgleda očajno, tako da ga neću ni probati.

Super block slider does not use any library (Custom JS), as confirmed by inspecting the code. It is written in vanilla JS and loads only on the specific page. It offers a multitude of settings and appears to be both solid and efficient. The only aspect I struggled to grasp is how to utilize the multi-page slide feature, which unfortunately means I cannot use it for a logo slider. Obzirom da ne verujem da može da radi Multiple Slides per View, moram da ga preskočim.

Plugins based on slick.js

slick.js je baziran na jQuery, tako da sve ove zaboravi

Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg koristi slick.js i može da se koristi i kao Logo slider, a izgleda je vrlo korektno kodiran.

WEN Logo Slider koristi slick.js

Gosign – Logo Slider Block takođe koristi slick.js i ima mogućnost ubacivanja linkova na slajdove, ali je što se tiče styling-a najosnoviji - što smatram odličnim ustvari. Ali avaj, ima jQuery dependency zbog slick-a.

HeBo Logo Slider Gutenberg Block uses slick.js a i napominje support za variable width logos, što verujem i da drugi rade, ali je problem što ga več 5 godina niko ne koristi.

Image Slider Block je baziran na slick.js pa zbog jQuery nisam ni pogledao.

Ostali koji koriste React ili jQUery ili drugi bliat

Slider - odličan blok koji modifikuje klasičan gallery i pravi slider od njega: Block Editor Gallery Slider, a s obzirom da ga je wise guy pisao, ali avaj - ima jQuery kao dependency, a ustvari je ideja idealna. Što se JS lib tiče, izgleda da je ovo custom lib koji traži jQUery.

Boxers and Swipers je od poznatog japanskog minimaliste, ali ovaj plugin ubacuje brdo nekih lightbox i slider scriptova a koristi i jQuery, a osim toga i nije block plugin nego classic, tako da ga neću ni pogledati.

Block Slider – Responsive Image Slider, Video Slider & Post Slider ima Freemius a po komentarima korisnika - the free version has absolutely ZERO of the features - mislim da je bolje da ga preskočim. Mislim da koristni milion dependency uključujući React, ali je sama struktura koda tako ravodnjena da ne mogu ni da gleda. Izgleda da je nekada bio lean, ali je sad daleko od toga.

Ascendoor Logo Slide je neodržavan i na osnovu React? tako da je verovatno monstum od gomile koda.

Logo Slider – A WordPress Plugin for Logo Showcase, Logo Gallery, Logo Carousel and Client Logo Presentation je powered by bxSlider koji je jQuery slider - tako da zaboravi.

Content Slider Block – Display slider in a beautiful way. izgleda korektno i radi one ali i multi page slides, i dosta je krut po contentu - unosiš title, text i button, pa ne mogu za slike da korisim, a i previše upsell-uje - zaboravi ga zato. Osim toga, on povlači ceo React na frontend - tragedija u “custom coded”.

B Slider – Slider for your block editor je od istog autora i još je mnogo gori bloat - ovaj ubacuje brdo - the entire Bootstrap CSS, entire React JS, complete fontAwesome.css are all loaded. Kakav krš od plugina - nisam dalje ni gledao.

TomS Image Slider je kataklizmično kodiran a tako i izgleda, ali zato ubacuje full React na frontend i to na svaku stranu. Zaobiđi u širokom luku.

Ovo su ustvari moji moduli.

BinaryMoon/wp-toolbelt Wiki

Toolbelt je vrlo interesantan plugin sa repo na BinaryMoon/wp-toolbelt: A lightweight, multi-purpose, WordPress plugin with a focus on privacy and speed koji zapravo krije mnoge interesantne i korisne funkcije kao što je basic Cookie Banner, Markdown block, Related Posts, Sitemap block, Responsive Videos, Slider block CSS-only, remove “widows” in post titles. Every module can be turned off a pored modula piše koliko “opterećuje” WP. Inače, cookie je odlično implelemtiran Cookie Banner · BinaryMoon/wp-toolbelt Wiki i uključuje analytics. Toolbelt takođe adds links to headings throughout the page. Dobar je i za Social Sharing, ali i Related posts koji je osnovno. Opis je Toolbelt: A New Jetpack-Inspired Plugin with a Focus on Speed and Privacy – WP Tavern

Bukvalno kao moj modul:

Module: Link headings wp-toolbelt/modules/heading-anchors/module.php at master · BinaryMoon/wp-toolbelt

Module: Get a featured image from post content and attached media.

Optimizations: Ovaj tip je picajzla pa proveri - Super za cleanup: Machete ne kapiram:

Plugins: Logo Sliders

Na LIM London sam mislim ručno radio responsive slider (logo menja i broj logoa + highlights koji se rekomponuje), novi logo slider koristeći - napravi responsive sve elemente

date 08. Dec 2015 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Blocks Singular » Sliders