Plugin: Administration Improvements

Plugin: Administration Improvements

customize admin, admin customization

Basics: Customizing Your WordPress Admin Classes to encapsulate access to admin menu global arrays: wp-admin-menu-classes.php

The basic Administration Area Layout is explained in official documentation

Admin Customization Suites

selected two: Admin and Site Enhancements as basic plus WP Custom Admin Interface

WP Custom Admin Interface

WP Custom Admin Interface is a highly advanced plugin that offers a lot even in its free version. In fact, I believe it’s one of the best plugins I’ve seen in a while, but I’ll just mention what it offers in the basic version.

  • complete editing of the Admin Menu without any restrictions
  • hide plugins from appearing on the plugins page
  • custom Login page with logo and all the bells and whistles
  • disable automatic WordPress Core and Plugin updates
  • editing of Admin Toolbar
  • custom JS, CSS and PHP for backend and frontend
  • custom design for Maintenance Page aka Coming Soon Page
  • support for creating Admin Color Schemes
  • ability to create basic Admin Notices
  • hide Users but also Meta boxes and Sidebars

All of these features are packed into an interface that successfully manages to simplify so much options and features. The plugin is also not cluttered with various upsells and marketing banners.

It’s amazing that the choice of user roles is unlimited for all of these customizations. Also, all the settings can be easily exported and imported.

This is a brilliant plugin that follows the true open-source philosophy and really gives a lot even in its free version. The author is really fair because the premium version is truly for advanced operations such as creating multiple admin menus, importing from file repos, and similar, which is also often very useful.

Tehnical note: Author somewhere clarifies the problem I have encountered when moving items from the main menu to the submenu and vice versa. The author has explained that if you are moving a menu in this way, between levels, you may get the an error message when trying to access the page: “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.” To get around this issue, instead of moving the menu item keep it where it is and hide it and then create a new menu item that points to the same link as the hidden menu item.

Admin and Site Enhancements

Admin and Site Enhancements aka ASE je napisan baš hoping to be useful in reducing the number of plugins we install the first time we set up a site, pa tako radi svašta Change Login URL, Admin Menu organizer ali samo po Main menu, Media Replacement, SVG Upload, Log In/Out Menu, Last Login Column, Redirect After Login, Redirect After Logout, Limit Login Attempts, Obfuscate Author Slugs, Revisions Control, SMTP Email Delivery, Site Password Protection, View admin and site as some User Role. Tu je i Custom Body Class funkcionalnost a i “show ID” funcionalnost kao iz ove grupe pluginova. Znači generalno je vrlo dobar. Plugin sadrži i Hide Admin Notices module koji nije idealan ali je dovoljno dobar.

WP Extended

The Ultimate WordPress Toolkit – WP Extended je vrlo sličan prethodnom ali na, po meni, mnogo lošiji način. Ali ono što me posebno odbija je što pokušava skoro sve da proda i jedino čemu služi je da upsell njegovu Pro verziju.

WP Adminify

WP Adminify plugin is an unmitigated disaster. I tried the demo version of this plugin and it changed WordPress beyond recognition. If you want to offer someone a whitelabel version of WP, fine. But seen like this - it’s disgusting. It even has a very useful feature, Media Library Folders, but still, WordPress Admin looks hideous.

Even though it looks like you can turn everything off - you really can’t. What a mess - they really went overboard!

Single Improvement: Admin Menu

koristi neki od Admin Suite pluginova

Missing Menu Items plugin adds links to the admin menu that are related to the new Gutenberg editor.

Adminimize is developed by a developer from Inpsyde GmbH, and allows hiding various sections of the WordPress administration area based on user roles. It is entirely free at the repository bueltge/adminimize, but I find the user interface quite cumbersome, and all it does is “hide” admin options. It is good that you can do this for each user role and can export-import settings in a JSON file, but I still use a simpler plugin for this purpose. Also in PHP 8.1 full of PHP warnings.

Admin Menu Editor

Admin Menu Editor is already perfect, but even better in the Pro version where you can access some advanced options. The most notable drawback of the free version is that you can only move menu items around on the same level, but in the paid version, you can move them between menus and submenus.

The functionality that allows you to hide plugins from other users comes for free. To bypass some of the limitations of the free version, you can use it in combination with other plugins. For example, if you want to hide a plugin from everyone except yourself, you can create a new custom role, such as Supporter, using the Members plugin and add only yourself to that role. Then, edit the Admin menu as desired and restrict the edits only to that Role.

It also has super useful and flexible options for Login redirect, Logout redirect, Registration redirect, and First Login redirect, and it’s completely free.

Admin Customization in plugin Nested Pages can also edit admin menu

Admin Menu Customizer is a basic plugin available from the qriouslad/admin-menu-customizer repository, which is also part of a larger plugin Admin and Site Enhancements, but it can only modify the admin root-menu and therefore is not very useful.

Single Improvement: Admin Toolbar

Admin Bar Fix to auto-hide bar but still have a small icon.

Selection is Admin Toolbar Menus.

The best solution, and really quite good, is Admin Toolbar Menus, and it’s cleanly coded. It is also nicely integrated in WordPress native Menu system of options.

Custom Admin Bar is a plugin from famous WPMU DEV team, but the problem in it that it really nags a user to buy a premium.

Admin Bar Toggle radi ono što treba ali je atipično to što se collapsed admin-bar nalazi na desnoj strani. Ne volim što insertuje JS kada mu za to ne treba.

Hide WP Toolbar je predivan i savršen, osim što takođe ima JS bez razloga, ali dobro handleuje scroll, ali iz nepoznatog mi razloga (verovatno zbog JS), postoji trenutak “flash” toolbar-a koji izgleda ružno, prilikom svakoga load-a

What interesting plugin is this? humanmade/remote-admin-bar: Enables the WordPress admin bar for use on headless or decoupled sites

Wordpress Admin Bar is Annoying | JDM Digital jdmdigital/jdm-frontend-admin-buttons: JDM Frontend Admin Buttons is a lightweight WordPress plugin that hides the default Admin Bar and replaces it with out of the way, contextually-aware, floating buttons for basic admin tasks. pravi potpuno svoj neki kao admin bar, odnsono set buttona na desnoj strani.

Single Improvement: Hide Admin Notices

I mainly use the admin notice site isolation option from the many features offered by the “Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE)” plugin, but there are also excellent plugins specifically designed for this purpose.

Admin Notices Manager sadrži mnoštvo podešavanja i jeste napredniji, ali ume da zasmeta ponekada nekim pluginovima; na primer, ASE plugin se uopšte ne vidi admin UI ako je ovaj plugin aktiviran, što sam i prijavio kao konflikt.

Hide Admin Notices koji je po meni na najbolji rešio UI.

Treba znati da se dosta razvija core koncept notifikacija na repo WordPress/wp-feature-notifications: WP Feature Notifications - a proposal to modernise the way in which WordPress handles emails, admin notices and user notifications tako da će biti uskoro mnogo promena.

There are libraries available to help you present Admin Notices in a consistent manner, such as the wp-dismiss-notice package by afragen, which adds time dismissible admin notices and a custom class with the same purpose. You can also find a similar solution from the official WordPress Themes Team in the admin-notices repository.

Single Improvement: New Columns In Users

Display ID in Admin List Views

While it is not overly complicated to add an ID column in the admin area, it’s better to use a plugin for it, if it is correctly written.

Show the ID column

Interesting article on How to Display Post and Page IDs in the WordPress Admin

Custom sortable columns: here

Display Slug in List View Column

displaying slug in admin list views; URL column; page slug

TS Search Slug plugin displays the slug as a column, allows sorting and also adds search by slug functionality, and supports any custom post type. This is the most mature plugin with all the necessary options.

Admin Slug Column plugin adds a ‘URL Path’ column to post and page list views, displaying the complete permalink which includes the category URL and similar elements before the post slug, but this new column is not sortable. The plugin repository can be found at chuckreynolds/Admin-Slug-Column.

Show Page URL

How to Display Slug in WordPress Admin Columns posts/products custom post type - Stack Overflow

Show Page Slug in Admin

Miscellaneous Small Improvements

Sort Settings Menu is a convenient plugin since the “Settings” menu in the admin section can become cluttered with items in no particular order, and this plugin automatically sorts the menu in alphabetical order making it easier to navigate. Možeš da napraviš i sortiranje i Tools menija a sve to pročitaj na repo functionsfile/sort-settings-menu: Arrange the items in the “Settings” menu of the WordPress admin in alphabetical order.. Inače, savršeno napisan plugin.

I mnogo ranije još: Sort Admin Menus WP Plugin : Sort Admin Menus |

Admin Post Navigation plugin provides a seemingly trivial, but actually very useful feature, which allows you to use the left and right arrows to navigate to the previous and next post, without having to go back and forth between posts and list view using the standard admin interface.

Genijalno Quick Configuration Links da sam provaljuje settings link za svaki plugin, ali mi se čini da ne radi :(

Admin: Search Improvements

TS Search Slug je za prikaz slug-a u List View kao i za search by slug

WP Extended Search plugin, available on the 5um17/wp-extended-search repository, along with additional information on WP Extended Search, seems to be primarily designed for front-end search functionality.

Disable Gutenberg Autosave

Featured Image Admin Thumb

Eliminate upsells and nagging notifications in the WordPress Admin area

no nags, remove nagging, remove upsell

Clarity – Ad blocker for WordPress plugin with repo at khromov/clarity, formerly known as WP Hush, is an intriguing tool designed to conceal donation links and notifications from popular plugins exclusively within the admin area.

NO admin premium NAGS as an alternative plugin for a similar functionality, with repo at kontur-us/no-nags.

Clean up bloat in Yoast SEO: Hide SEO Bloatsa repo na senlin/so-clean-up-wp-seo: Hides (sidebar) ads and premium version buttons of Yoast SEO from their settings pages and your website’s dashboard (and frontend). is tailored specifically for cleaning up SEO plugins. Sličan ali ne više održavan je i Remove Branding for Yoast SEO

Notice Interceptor

Wider Admin Menu

date 15. Dec 2016 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Admin Improvements