Scoop Apps
Ovde pominjem neke interesantne aplikacije koje se nalaze na Scoop bucketima. Takođe ću navesti nekolicniu Scoop one-linera koji mi omogućavaju da brzo i lako instaliram grupu aplikacija koje su mi potrebne.
Notable utilities/apps available via Scoop
Really useful small applications for Windows that can be also installed using scoop
Essential Apps
scoop install nano sudo sed wget copyq git
- nano: Small and friendly GNU editor
- gsudo: best Windows sudo implementation, usage same as sudo
- sed: Stream editor tool from linux
- wget: Utility for retrieving files
- copyq: Advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features
- git: Version control system
- less: Terminal pager program
- 7zip: File archiver
- curl: Tool for transferring data
- gzip: Compression program
- grep: Print lines matching a pattern
- ugrep: Compatible grep replacement
- jq: Flexible command-line JSON processor
Basic Utilities
- dngrep: Graphical grep tool
- vlc: Cross-platform multimedia player
- powertoys: Microsoft set of PowerToys. Ne koristi jer mnoge opcije ne rade. Alternativa je "powertoys-np"
- powertoys-np: Non-portable PowerToys. Teoretski bi NP trebalo dobro da radi, ali ipak je sigurnije upotrebiti Winget za ovo
- ridnacs: Disk space usage analyzer
- rustdesk: Remote desktop software
- notepadplusplus: Free source code editor and Notepad replacement, but to have "Plugins Admin" we must install non-portable `notepadplusplus-np`.
- regeditor: O&O RegEditor is freeware for editing the Windows Registry
- shutup10: O&O ShutUp10 is free antispy tool for Windows 10
- ccleaner: Number-one tool for cleaning PC
- patchcleaner: Clean your windows/installer directory
- sumatrapdf: Super-fast PDF Reader, but also great eBook reader for both ePub and Mobi format
- registry-explorer: Advanced Registry Hive Editor
Must-install on My System
- appbuster: O&O AppBuster to remove bloatware
- espanso: Text expander
- btop-lhm: Amazing command-line resource monitor
- logexpert: Windows tail program and log file analyzer
- xnviewmp: Photo viewer, image resizer & batch converter
- telegram: A messaging app
- hourglass: Simple Pomodoro countdown
- bitwarden: Password management
- sharex: Amazing Screen capture and lots of other tools, multi-platform
- vscode: Lightweight but powerful source code editor
- go: open source programming language
- qbittorrent: Cross-platform free and open-source BitTorrent client
- notion: Collaborative note taking
- quickㅤcpu: Tune and monitor hardware
Non-essential applications
Ovde spadaju apps to install on first-use basis, ali ih najšeće ne brišem sa sistem, osim ako mi ne zatreba prostora.
- anydesk: Remote Desktop Software
- mqtt-explorer: All-round MQTT client
- wizfile: Extremely fast file finder
- rclone: Sync files and directories
- autohotkey: Ultimate automation scripting language
- obs-studio: Video recording and live streaming
- handbrake: Video Conversion Tool
- diskgenius: Disk cloning, partitions and recovery
- discord: Voice and Text Chat
- aida64extreme: System information
- teamviewer: Remote control
- calibre-normal: Amazing e-book manager (not portable, but this is better)
- dont-sleep: App "Don't Sleep" to prevent Windows from going to sleep
- sublime-merge: Snappy Git client and three-way merge tool
- sublime-text: Sophisticated text editor
- vncviewer: VNC Viewer only, from RealVNC package
- ngrok: Instant URL to your localhost server through NAT or firewall
- wsltty (Not Working): Mintty as a terminal for WSL
- fork: Best Git GUI client for Mac and Windows
- nexusfont: Font manager
- fontbase: Font manager
- winfontsview: barebone table of all fonts installed
Dobre ali velike aplikacije
To su one koje mi stvarno retko trebaju, a toliko su ogromne da ne želim da ih stalno držim na disku. Dobar primer za to su sve Electron aplikacije jer su one često ok ali su uvek ogromne i većinu podataka čuvaju ionako online. Tako da i nije šteta kada ih skinem, pa stavim opet, pa skinem - sve po potrebi.
- Nice photo editing application
- inkscape: Great SVG editor
- obsidian: Powerful knowledge base
Developers Only
# scoop specific
# android specific
# dev extras
python: Programming language
rust: Programming language
rustup: Manage multiple rust installations
nodejs: Asynchronous JavaScript runtime
# sql tools
heidisql: Edit data and structures on SQL
sqlitespy: Very compact GUI database manager for SQLite
sqldef: Idempotent schema management for SQL
usql: Universal command-line interface for SQL
octosql: Query tool command-line for SQL
sqlitebrowser: DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) project
Meh Apps
To su one koje sam instalirao probao, ali nisam nešto oduševljen.
- brave: Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker
- vivaldi: An innovatively designed web browser
- winaero-tweaker: Tweaks and hidden settings
Odvratne glomazne aplikacije
Ako postoji jedna kategorija aplikacija za koju OBAVEZNO koristim scoop, to je ova. Znam da zvuči čudno, ali što je aplikacija odvatnija i što je kraće ćelim na svom računaru, to se više nadam da je Scoop instalabilna, odnosno još bitnije: de-instalabilna.
Naime, pošto Scoop lepo počisti za svakom aplikacijom ako navedete “purge”, onda sam samo sa njim siguran da će odvratna aplikacija stvarno nestati sa računara, kada je uklonim
- whatsapp: WhatsApp Desktop Client (no way to be in System Tray?)
- slack: Collaboration software
- zoom: Video and audio conferencing
- java: extra repository is required - "scoop bucket add java; scoop install java/oraclejre8"
- windowsdesktop-runtime-lts: Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime
Small and Amazing Tools I’ve Discovered
is disk usage analyzer with console UI interface, likedu
but better. Install with scoop -
show disk usage in command-line, just likedf
but better. On Windows, setup with scoop. -
tbillington/kondo, unique and exceptional!
is a command-line tool to save space by cleaning non-essential files from software projects. Amazing idea! Install with scoop.
Obsolete now, but just as an info
We can install any package manually, without adding bucket, directly from manifest URL. For example, in bucket Ash258/Scoop-Ash258 there is manifest for Docker setup, that you can call exactly:
sudo scoop install
You must re-login for it to work properly.
Spisak mojih koje nisam stavio ni u jednu grupu:
dual-monitor-tools: Manage multiple monitors
anki: Intelligent flash cards
fastcopy: Fastest copy software
figma: Graphics editor and prototyping tool
duf: Disk Usage
fman-np: Dual-pane file manager
fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder
gdu: Command-line Disk Usage Analyzer
gh: Official GitHub CLI
glary-utilities: Utility for cleaning your PC
hotkeyslist: simple tool with list of hot keys
iperf3: maximum achievable bandwidth on IP LAN
kondo: Clean bloat from software projects
librehardwaremonitor: Monitor the sensors and fans
nssm: The Non-Sucking Service Manager
poedit: Gettext translations editor.
rufus: Format and create bootable USB flash drives