Windows: Autoruns and Delayed Startup

Windows: Autoruns and Delayed Startup

My pick is Autorun Organizar

The original tool I used for years was Startup Delayer, but it has been discontinued since the last version was from December 2015. I had to find an alternative, so I set out to search for one.

I would like to mention that all the programs I’ve listed here support the option of choosing the location (Startup folder, Task Scheduler, etc.) where you want to add a new application to the startup, so that’s great, and it’s a feature that’s included with all of them.

Autorun Organizer is still being developed and looks amazing, but it’s not available in scoop package manager. It can still be installed from alternative scoop buckets in portable and normal versions, and I’ve opted for portable scoop version.

# portable
scoop install

# normal
scoop install

However, what sets it apart is its good UI and especially it’s option to rank apps by who has the biggest system slowdowns. In addition to that, it nicely notifies what new applications have been added to the startup, so you can adjust them immediately when they add themselves. As of now, it’s the best utility - and by far.

Another nice option is the ability to permanently disable an application, which monitors whether an application is added in the future and automatically disables it again.

HiBit Startup Manager UI is terrible, but it’s up-to-date and available in scoop as hibit-startup-manager. I hardly figured out that “Create” button in the bottom left corner is actually “Add”. The interface is a real tragedy, but it provides a lot of detailed information about items. It’s well-coded, but I still haven’t found any special feature that would make me keep it on my computer.

The following applications do not have the option of delaying the start of an application.

Another alternative that still works is Glary Utilities, which is available in scoop as glary-utilities and also offers a separate module called Quick Startup. However, it doesn’t have the option of delaying the start of an application.

There’s also WhatInStartup, which is supported in scoop, but also doesn’t have the option of delayed startup.

And the classic CCleaner also has options for Startup, but not for delaying the start.

Unmaintained LaunchLater at repo jeffcox111/LaunchLater

date 14. Jan 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Windows » Autorun and Startup Delay