Screen Capture Tools
Here is my list of screen capture tools for Windows. Right now I’m using Screenpresso and I really have no urge to change it, as it more than satisfies all my needs.
Sortirao sam sve alate u redosledu po kom se meni sviđaju.
Flameshot is an open-source screenshot tool that has relatively recently appeared on the scene. In my world, it has just become a favourite because it’s the only free tool that natively supports the WebP format.
Everything is intuitive and well-designed, with the idea of working quickly and efficiently. The annotation interface is similar to Lightshot but with many more tools, though still lacking more advanced features like curved arrows. Besides supporting the WebP image format, I was delighted with the option “Use JPG format for clipboard (PNG default)”, for which I’m not convinced it works successfully in Windows due to OS limitations.
It’s completely cross-platform, it can be easily installed with scoop install flameshot
and the repository is at flameshot-org/flameshot.
ShareX is an open-source screenshot tool for Windows only, which has so many features that it can be overwhelming. However, I should mention its drawbacks, such as the frequently illogical organisation of the settings menu and the image editor itself, where annotating can be tedious because the tools are logical, but adjusting them is tiresome. Nevertheless, despite these flaws, its capabilities are so superior that I have used it as my main tool for years. The repository is located at ShareX/ShareX and it can be installed with a simple scoop install sharex
It was only my realisation that it couldn’t save in WebP format - see issue Add WebP support, that prompted me to search for alternatives.
FastStone Screen Capture
FastStone Screen Capture seems to have the best annotation tools for captured screenshots. It does not support WebP and especially not AVIF. The easiest way to install it is through scoop install fscapture
or even winget install --id=FastStone.Capture -e
. I should note that it’s neither open-source nor free, but the annotation tools are indeed some of the best available for now.
Greenshot is available on the repository greenshot/greenshot, an open-source project for Windows. I recommend installing it with scoop install greenshot-unstable
, as many changes and improvements have been made in version 1.3. However, even this new version doesn’t support WebP, although it’s expected to support it soon. Annotations are similar to those in ShareX and same as ShareX, it doesn’t support curved or fancy arrows. Everything is very logical and efficient, and it’s less “odd” than ShareX.
PicPick is free for personal use. Try using scoop install picpick
. It’s not bad, generally offering all the necessary annotation tools and some interesting ones like “Fill”. However, the layout feels somewhat illogical. Additionally, it doesn’t support WebP or AVIF. There seems to be a reason why none of the tools support them.
Lightshot is what I received from AI as an answer to my question about which tool supports WebP. It’s easy to install with scoop install lightshot
, and although it’s not open-source, it’s completely free. Of course, AI wasn’t correct, and in fact, this tool supports the fewest formats, only JPG and PNG. Regardless, I think it’s the best replacement for Windows Snipping Tool, as it’s much more intuitive to use. In terms of features, it has very few because its philosophy is more like Snipping Tool rather than a complete screenshot annotation tool. So, it’s a basic tool, but sometimes that’s all you need.
Interestingly, Lightshot also has its own free image host and online storage at
Snagit is a commercial product. The setup file is a huge 300MB and it takes ages to install, and don’t forget to manually check what it includes because I definitely don’t need the “Printer”. It’s simply unbelievable that once installed it occupies 1GB of disk space. In application preferences, be sure to immediately disable “Auto Update” and the option that sends anonymous usage data.
It’s dreadfully slow and unresponsive, but it is quite comprehensive. The image editor has implemented something like curvy arrows, but in a very tedious way. No “fancy” arrows here.
There are some unique features, such as “Smart Move”, which detects elements in a screenshot and allows you to move them intelligently. “Auto Simplify” will cover and hide all the text on an image with a single click.
Video capture is the best part of the whole package but due to the bulky and poor code, it’s often challenging to perform video capture. The video itself has all the features you might need, including live webcam preview or live video annotation. Nevertheless, sometimes everything is so unresponsive that it’s almost unusable.
Installation is not easy. If you need it, download any old version on FileCR or
The operation for basic capture is neither fast nor intuitive, as there’s no traditional or automatic recording to a final WebP file; instead, this is done after initiating the file recording. Only upon “Copy All” click is the image copied to the clipboard, and with Ctrl+S
, the file recording is activated. To do all this, you must open the SnagIt Editor, which is sluggish in itself. It’s a truly slow and tedious ordeal.
Kasnije sam prešao na ShareX
Probaj i ove:
scoop install
Best annotating tool
Show, don’t tell: 6 great tools for capturing, annotating, and sharing screenshots | PCWorld - Create online manuals for your business | ScreenSteps - Screenshots of Greenshot in action -
Screenshot Tools:
Free Snipping Tool - The most powerful snipping tool ever Screenshot Captor Monosnap All-in-one Screen Capture & Recorder - ScreenHunter Free, Plus & Pro Screenpresso: The Ultimate Screen Capture Tool for Windows Lightscreen Sniptool - Screen Capture OH!SOFT - CapturePlus Download
Screen Recorders:
Screen Recorder for Perfect Captures - Movavi Quickly record, share, upload and collaborate videos online
Za krekovanje, ali sam kupio…
- Must block program in firewall
Moraš elevated as admin:
$AppExe = """$(scoop prefix screenpresso)\Screenpresso.exe"""
$RuleName = """Block Screenpresso App From Internet"""
And then:
# add rule
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=$RuleName dir=out action=block program=$AppExe enable=yes
# remove
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=$RuleName
Working on version Serial Key : [3]-[screenpressopro]-[4410]-[PiratePc]-[11-14-2019]-[FR2Sir2fSlwimtkjn9H+ChXnpONO6rcYZCWKbCvGddxS5GZJ4kxEkhpvYFsvsVAEhOWOu4pL04k4bIdSA+uqmQ==]
Screen Video Capture
Hvalospevi o Screenpresso
Screenpresso je skroman i njegove divne opcije su često sakrivene i ne lake za samostalno otkrivanje. Navešću još neke od mogučnosti koje nisu baš očigledne a vrlo su korisne:
Na primer, u “Workspace” prozoru, koji je glavni prozor sa svim slikama i videima, postoji funckcija “Filter” i damo je dovoljno da počneš da kucaš. Naravno, možeš i Ctrl+F
da koristiš ali i ne moraš.
Neke osnovne operacije imaju svoje “fore” pa na primer if you hold Shift
when doing drag-drop the media, the corresponding “.presso” file is dragged instead of
the image itself.
Opcije podešavanja Webcam prilikom Video Recordinga su sakrivene utoliko što moraš da uključiš Webcam pa da right-click na Webcam area
Screenpresso podržava više Workspace-ova odnosno foldera, pa možeš odvojiti posao od zabave. Međutim, da bi prikazao Workspace sidebar, treba da klikneš na logo u gornjem levom uglu Workspace prozora. Za svaki folder možeš da podesiš odvojenu sinhronizaciju sa nekim cloud servisom. Možeš i da change the order of workspaces to moving pritiskom na Ctrl+Up/Down
Screenpresso internals
U bilo kom trenutku možeš menjati tvoje annotations a oni se nalaze u .presso
fajlovi koji čuvaju originalne screenshotove koji su i dalje editable i oni se store-uju u hidden podfloderu Originals
kod slika. Slike koje nisi menjao neće imati svoj .presso
fajl, već samo one koje imaju annotations.
Screenpresso Tips
In Image editor, click the Next or Previous button at the upper-right of the window while holding both the Alt key and the Ctrl key deletes current image then opens the previous image or the next image
Ctrl+Del shortcut deletes the current image.
Profesionalni screen recording
Screenpresso ima baš sve opcije za Webcam, da prikažem sebe u uglu kadra, ali ne zaboravi descni click na webcam display area kako bi ih podesio. Čini mi se da ShareX nema Webcam podršku, ali je tu OBS Studio koji apsolutno “razvaljuje” za video i ubedljivo je najbolji za to.
Po defaultu, show/hide the webcam (Win + F7) i zoom on a part of the screen (Win + F8), ali se sve to može promeniti. Za stop recording, koristi the [Printscreen].
Ustvari, Screenpresso ima samo jednu manu koja nije trenutna nego za budućnost, a to je da nije cross-platform. Sve ostalo je stvarno više nego adekvatno dobro.
Screen Video Annotaion
desktop marker software, screen annotation tool
To achieve a proper Screen recording, you need a screen annotation tool, of which there are plenty available.
pubpub-zz/ppInk: Fork from Gink, not directly but setup with scoop install
. Čini se da je baš mnogo kompletniji od gInk. Opcija koja mi se posebno svidela kod SnagIt-a a to je “fading” postoji i ovde, u opcijama, i može se konfigurisati za svaku boju. Neke od opcija koje sam ja podešavao:
- “Settings > General > Spot On Cursor > Display On Alt” jer to već imam na
Ctrl, Ctrl
iz PowerToys
Fenêtre Capture Tool - Free Windows Capture Tool
Pointofix je freeware i uopšte nije loš. Ima nešto čudno sa instalacijom prevoda na engleski, ali je to rešeno već u Scoop manifestu. Instaliraj sa
scoop install
geovens/gInk: An easy to use on-screen annotation software inspired by Epic Pen., installable with
scoop install gink
. Iako je vrlo elegantno implementiran, količina mogućnosti je previše osnovna za neke realne potrebe. Na primer, nema ni arrow, nema ni text tool, itd. Zato treba koristiti ppInk.
ZoomIt - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn scoop install zoomit
iz oficijelnog bucketa sysinternals
. Pošto neću ceo bucket da uključujem, instaliram sa scoop install
. Ima opciju LiveZoom koja je ustvari opcija koju bi trebalo screen-capture tool da poseduje, ali nema svaki. Iako izgleda za ZoomIt nema mnogo opcija, to uopšte nije istina već se mogućnosti uglavnom kriju iza key-modifier-a. Na primer, da bi nacrtao arrow, potrebno je da držiš Ctrl+Shift
. Poseduje i text opciju tako da ga to čini odmah boljim od gInk-a. Neočekivano, ali se i dalje aktivno razvija jer je poslednja verzija iz početka 2023. godine. U stvari je u pitanju je vrlo kompletan alat koji u sebi sadrži i screen-recording pa čak i opciju za pravljenje pauze tokom prezentacije.
Screen Marker and Recorder poseduje samo osnovne opcije. Jedino je interesantno što je ujedno i capture-tool
Pogledaj video draw & annotate on desktop screen + ppInk demo - YouTube
ScreenPen je najosnovniji, ali je cross-platform.
EdLeH - Pylote je cross-platform sa repo edleh / Pylote · GitLab
weiameili/Pensela: The Swiss Army Knife of Screen Annotation Tools je cross-platform
DmytroVasin/DrawPen: DrawPen is a simple screen annotation. Available on macOS, Windows & Linux.
Mac Only
ScreenBrush ima najbolje reviews na internetu.
DemoPro – Screen annotation and countdown timer for Mac Presentify - Screen Annotation on the Mac App Store ScreenBrush on the Mac App Store Honeytone - Draw on screen on macOS
Screenshot & Video Capture
OBS Studio offers all, even the most advanced AI features, but simply setting the canvas size to the cropped input size is a real agony.
Shottr: The Ultimate macOS Screenshot App for Those Who Care About Pixels
Gerry is an open-source Mac-only tool for simple screen recording on Mac, available at jacobbrunson/gerry. It allows for easy video capture with cropping options and supports saving in both mp4 and gif formats, all done quickly and efficiently.
Kap - Screen Capture from the repository wulkano/Kap is functional, but somewhat sluggish, likely due to being written in JavaScript. It offers a cropping feature before recording by enabling users to select the exact area for capturing.
Screenity from the alyssaxuu/screenity repository is an open-source browser extension that offers excellent annotation features, currently limited to Chrome. The extension allows for post-recording cropping, trimming, and annotations, but it does not have automatic caption support.
CleanShot X for Mac Capto - Screen Capture and Video Editing Software for Mac
Loom is a commercial product by Atlassian that is practically unusable in its free version as it only offers a total of 25 videos per user - total, not per month!
Screen Studio is a paid professional screen recorder designed exclusively for macOS. It offers almost all features except local AI and can be found on GPL websites. It is definitely the most comprehensive option available, and I particularly appreciate that most settings can be adjusted only after capturing the screen.
Canvid - Create stunning Screen Recordings. No Editing Skills Needed. je najbolja alternative na Windows, a plaćanje je lifetime.
FocuSee | Screen Recording with Automatic Zoom In on the Video je ustvari odlična firma sa odličnim Video proizvodima, bez monthly subscription već lifetime licence
ScreenRun je takođe lifetime licence i izgleda sasvim ok, sa zoom mogućnostima, ali je neko negde napisao: “too buggy specifically on windows. Focusee is a way better”
1001 Record for Mac - Screen Recorder nije besplatan jer za free daje samo 10 recordingsa.
Mirror Magnet on the Mac App Store