Windows » DDC Adjust Monitor

Windows » DDC Adjust Monitor

adjust display brightness, monitor contrast

Pre svega, teoretski bi osvetljenje trebalo da može da se podesi bez ikakvog eksternog alata, samo kroz PowerShell. Očekivano, ispostavilo se da baš i ne može.

# List all monitors
Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorID | select Active, InstanceName
# shorter
gcim WmiMonitorID -N root/WMI | select Active, InstanceName

# monitor details, the shortest ugly version
gcim WmiMonitorID -N root/WMI | select @{N="Man"; E={[Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($_.ManufacturerName).Trim(0x00)}}, @{N="Name"; E={[Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($_.UserFriendlyName).Trim(0x00)}}

# na primer, direktno pristupi serijskom broju drugog monitora
[Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($(gcim WmiMonitorID -N root\wmi)[1].SerialNumberID -notmatch 0)

gcim is alias for Get-CimInstance

Postoji script koji ima spisak svih manufacturer codova: MaxAnderson95/Get-Monitor.ps1

Dakle, teoretski, možemo da promenimo brightness u ovakvoj skripti, ali kod mene je mogao samo za ugrađeni laptop monitor:

(gcim -N root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1, 40)

Vrednost brightness je ovaj broj 40 i you can replace it with another value, ali meni dakle ovo kod mene na eksternom monitoru nije radilo.

Bunch of utils

Stvarno sam iznenađen koliko mnogo toolova postoji za ovako jednostavan task. Izgleda da se cela grupacija toolova može nazvati “Screen brightness/temperature manager”

Nakon gledanja svega živog, odličio sam se samo za dve komande koje ću ručno pokretati i koje koriste izvrsni ControlMyMonitor od NirSoft-a.

# set brightness on 1st monitor to 15
ControlMyMonitor.exe /SetValue "\\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0" 0x10 15

# set contrast on 1st monitor to 50
ControlMyMonitor.exe /SetValue "\\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0" 0x12 50

Puting monitor to sleep and waking it up didn’t work for my monitor, and I’ve tried everything to turn off / on monitor from command line

Other Tools

Twinkle Tray na repo xanderfrangos/twinkle-tray je jedan od retkih koji se instalira sa scoop install twinkle-tray, izgleda stvarno lepo, ali je pisan u JavaScript odnosno Electron pa ne želim baš 80M da potrošim na ovako mali utility, posebno kada je ControlMyMonitor velik 70K

emoacht/Monitorian radi ali nije ništa posebno, and is not on scoop

Dimmer takođe nije on scoop ali ima one osnovne opcije

Free Monitor Manager izgleda odlično i osim gomile standardnih mogućnosti, omogućava podešavanje osvetljenja zavisno od toga u kojoj si aplikaciji.

J-u-n-o/MonitorControl je Python ali izgleda odlično, a osim brightness podržava i contrast.

Fushko/gammy je napušten cross-platform tool koji je specifičan po tome da na osnovu sadržaja na ekranu automatski podešava screen brightness i temperature. Autor radi na novoj i aktivno razvijanoj, ali linux-only verziji na repo Fushko/gummy

chrismah/ClickMonitorDDC7.2 is abandoned a nije bio loš

Gamma Panel izgleda clean i proper

blackholeearth/Win10_BrightnessSlider baš izgleda kao deo Windowsa

Baš zaostali Desktop Lighter tool kao i amaterski ScreenBright

Adjust Color Temperature

jonls/redshift je jedan od prvih koji se bavio ovom temom, adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings aka applies a redness effect to the graphical display.

maoserr/redshiftgui je GUI verijanta Redshift-a

Eye Saver je fokusiran da protects your eyes baš kao i poznati “f.lux” i oni se uglavnom bave plavim spektrom kompjuterskih ekrana.

f.lux je pametan u smislu da automatski podešava boju ekrana zavisno od položaja sunca na lokaciji.

macOS » DDC Display Brightness Enhancer

MonitorControl/MonitorControl: 🖥 Control your display’s brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs. je još uvek besplatan i radi posao.

Alternative to Lunar/Vivid for XDR Brightness? : macapps) ̊alin23/Lunar: Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external monitors

̊kfix/ddcctl: DDC monitor controls (brightness) for Mac OSX command line

waydabber/BetterDisplay: Unlock your displays on your Mac! Smooth scaling, HiDPI unlock, XDR/HDR extra brightness upscale, DDC, brightness and dimming, virtual screens, PIP and lots more!

DDC Monitor Input Source Selection

I wanted to change the input source on my monitor using a shortcut, and on Windows there are several command-line tools for that, including the excellent ControlMyMonitor that does just that.

There is a more recent Windows port of the ddcutil called scottaxcell/winddcutil which can be downloaded from the x64/Release folder, and there is also an older version called rtrbt/winddcutil which I didn’t try.

DDC Problem with Samsung Odyssey CRG9 Series 49-Inch

It seems that my Samsung Odyssey G9 49" monitor does not support DDC over DisplayPort. For more information, please refer to the Notes on Specific Monitors of ddcutil Documentation page.

I have tried all combinations, including HDMI, but it does not switch properly. In fact, it only switches to DisplayPort-1 and nothing else. Furthermore, HDMI is practically unusable for computers because at the monitor’s full resolution, I only have 30Hz refresh rate, whereas with DP1.4 I have 120Hz.

date 08. Mar 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Research » DDC Adjust Monitor