Copy-Paste Images

Copy-Paste Images

Kako da copy-paste radi a da nije PNG

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lucent-sea/Make-EXE: Easily package your PowerShell and batch scripts into EXEs and embed data files (C# WPF)

Pronašao sam tool baš za to.

Nakon gledanja koda, ispostavilo se da je to samo jedna jedina linija u kodu.

Clipboard.SetImage(new BitmapImage(new Uri(targetPath.Trim())));

Pa sam zbunjen zašto svi to ne rade nekako?

Autohotkey: OT? Explorer Right-Click Context menu and Explorer++ - AutoHotkey Community I think I worked it out. I need to add #SingleInstance ignore to the top of my script

Ovaj ima opciju Copy Image Data - Features | ImageGlass

NirCmd Command Reference NirCmd - Freeware command-line tool for Windows

For copyimage and saveimage actions, the following file formats are supported: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff

nircmdc.exe is the Console Version and it’s the same as nircmd.exe except that in the console version, all error messages goes to the console window, instead of using a message box


Advanced Usage · hluk/CopyQ Wiki

You can simulate Windows Explorer copy command with CopyQ. After download and run CopyQ, type this command:

copyq.exe copy “text/uri-list” “file:///C:/testdir/file.png”

GitHub Gist or comment,

Styling with Markdown is supported

Drag-and-Drop radi normalno

Copy-Paste je uvek u PNG dok je sa Drag-and-Drop može bilo šta.

Problem leži u činjenici da je format u kome je slika zapamćena uvek CF_DIB jer clipboard uses DIB (Device Independent Bitmap") za pamćenje image data. Stoga je i paste uvek u PNG formatu, ma kako i kom formatu je originalni DIB napunjen. See: Standard Clipboard Formats

Za razliku od Copy-Paste, Drag-and-Drop radi u originalnom formatu pošto je drugačiji mehanizam.

Drag-and-Drop in GitHub

Pre svega, u GitHub format slika WebP nije podržan. Podržani su with a GIF, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP4, PNG, SVG or WEBM. Međutim, ono što možeš da uradiš je da promeniš ekstenziju sa .webp na .gif ili bilo šta drugo, i to će raditi i dalje normalno.

GitHub Comment

U GitHub comments Drag and drop radi normalno pošto je to jedina funkcija

U Gist seAttach files by selecting or pasting them.

JPEG XL is best image format

The Case for JPEG XL Windows JPEG XL support | ✨ Scoop - Apps (jpeg-xl) jpegxl windows - Google Search

windows - How to copy file path to clipboard? - Super User convert winfoed path to “file://” clipboard format - Google Search Standard Clipboard Formats (Winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn CF_DIB - Google Search How can I set&get a DIB to/from clipboard? Clipboard Formats - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

on sharex

EslaMx7/PasteIntoFile: Paste Clipboard Contents Into Files Directly je mali alat sa kojim nešto iz clipboard-a smeštaš u file.

iseahound/ImagePut is an AutoHotkey image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, URLs, cursors, screen coordinates, clipboard, pointers, handles, and more, supporting AutoHotkey v1 and v2. You can find documentation-like information in the thread on the AutoHotkey Community website.

Sve završeno sa Screenpresso-m.

C:\Users\Common User\Pictures\Screenpresso\2023-03-29_18h46_45.webp

Screenpresso ume da iskopira u clipboard i file i image. Savršeno. Videćemo kako to radi.

C:\Users\Common User\Pictures\Screenpresso\2023-03-29_18h46_45.webp

Znači, kad uradi u Windows Explorery običan Copy na fajlu, to onda radi na paste u VSCode.

file:///C:/Users/Common User/Pictures/Screenpresso/2023-03-29_18h46_45.webp

U Ditto sam analizirao, vodi ga kao: “CF_HDROP, 158” dok je kad ide kao image, vodi se kao “CF_DIB, 955556”

Radi pravlno samo ako ima CF_HDROP, a ako dodaš CF_DIB, zbuni se VSCode i ne radi. Međutim, Screenpresso “Copy filepath to clipboard” ubacuje i CF_TEXT i CF_UNICODETEXT pored CF_HDROP i to normalno radi.

A postoji i ovaj trick koji nisam znao, pa će verovatno i CopyQ raditi pravilno:

How to reuse file paths copied from a file manager?

Na kraju, kako radi:

  • u Screenspresso odabereš “Copy file and filename”, ili samo filename
  • u VSCode ideš na “Paste File” - i bez pitanja će da ubaci file
date 02. Mar 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Tip » Copy-Paste Images