SSH Resilient Connections using Mosh

SSH Resilient Connections using Mosh

Mosh is SSH that you can be interrupted.

Mosh: the mobile shell

There is no “native” mosh executable for Windows and the Chrome browser extension is the easiest way to use mosh on Windows.

Well, it is really not true. You can use it in Cygwin/Babun or you can install beautifull and free MobaXterm

10 best SSH Clients for Windows: free alternatives to PuTTY - Page 2 of 2 Comparison of SSH clients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Setup Mosh on server first:

# install
apt-get -y install mosh

# check it is working with
mosh --version

Setup client on Windows:

It’s easy to install mosh client on Windows, using Babun. Just don’t forget to start it as administrator; that is crucial.

pact install mosh

And as I was using SSH config file, i can just type:

mosh savioko

And it just works!

Firewall ports

On Ubuntu, type:

sudo ufw allow 60000:61000/udp

On Linux or server and WSL: Najbolje objašnjenje

apt -y install mosh

but latest version with PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:keithw/mosh-dev

On Windows, in msys2 and in cygwin scoop install mobaxterm


wget -O cygwin.exe

cygwin.exe -q -P mosh

Getting mosh (mobile-shell) working with cygwin

Ovo postoji, ali sa bajatom verzijom:

scoop install mosh-client

Is getting it from felixse/FluentTerminal that in turn is binaries from now non-existant repo

Archive: and there is a copy: that is till alivewhat

A tu je i alternativa koju nikako ne razumem: Eternal Terminal ali koja se vrlo aktivno razvija.

date 13. Sep 2016 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: SSH Resilient Connections using Mosh