SSH Agent Forwarding in Windows
I need to tunnel SSH through one intermediate host B to the final host C. From host A, over B to C (A-B-C) where host A can’t directly access host C, but A-B and B-C can. For this, the best way is to use SSH public-key authentication, but it can be achieved also with password.
When using passwords, typing:
ssh -t savioko ssh -t root@apach-1
and passwords after that, will do the job.
Multi-hop SSH without passwords
As a mandatory we have to make a ssh-agent work on local machine. As noted elsewhere, it can be done by copy-pasting:
set SSH_AUTH_SOCK=%TEMP%\ssh-agent.socket
FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=;" %r IN ('ssh-agent -a %SSH_AUTH_SOCK% ') DO @(SET %r >NUL 2>&1)
Then, we must ad a keys to the agent:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
And we must execute the same command as before, only this time adding a switch -A
for the intermediate host. This switch tells that host to enable agent forwarding.
ssh -t -A savioko ssh root@apach-1
For agent forwarding through SSH tunnel to work, really nothing special must be done on final and intermediate server.
For debugging purposes, when executing SSH, add -vvv
to any SSH
command. This will display very detailed process information.
No need for nothing more
About settings that are really not important.
AllowAgentForwarding yes
as server configuration, is by default turned on, so it doesn’t matter - don’t bother with this unless it’s not disabled on purpose somewhere. -
ForwardAgent yes
or in~/.ssh/config
as client settings - it is not important because using SSH switch-A
when connecting produces exactly the same effect.
In two simple steps
Important things:
- Local ssh-agent must be running and your key must be loaded in it
- Execute:
ssh -t -A user@HostMiddleman ssh user@HostDestination
Extra configuration required for ssh-agent forwarding? - Super User An Illustrated Guide to SSH Agent Forwarding Using ssh agent forwarding
Bazinga: more elegant way - fully automatic!
Holy schmoly! Bazinga! For this solution you don’t even need an active ssh-agent. Simply beautifull!
Just configure client to do a hop. Use a ProxyCommand
directive for that:
set F="%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.ssh\config"
echo. >> %F%
echo Host apach-1.savioko >> %F%
echo HostName apach-1 >> %F%
echo User root >> %F%
echo Port 22 >> %F%
echo IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_rsa" >> %F%
echo IdentitiesOnly yes >> %F%
echo ProxyCommand ssh savioko nc %h %p >> %F%
This is it. Check that you can login with keys, and disable password login after that.
ssh apach-1.savioko
In the future, if you have the latest version of OpenSSH, you could use
very similar -W
switch and avoid using Netcat nc
ProxyCommand ssh savioko -W %h:%p
Sources: Multihop SSH tunneling
Local port forwarding
This is usualy needed to trick GUI tools about connecting to remote. In my case, I’m using it for SSHFS client WebDrive.
ssh savioko -L 9999:apach-1:22 -N
This -N
is not to execute a remote command - exactly useful for just forwarding port. You can change option to -fN
combination to tell SSH to connect, establish tunnels and continue running in background.
Now I can login to apach-1 server with:
ssh root@localhost -p 9999 -o "HostkeyAlias=apach-1"
This trick with passing option HostkeyAlias
is avoiding fatal warning
. Very good idea.
Chaining ssh tcp port forwarding SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding - Community Ubuntu Documentation
Quick local SOCKS Proxy with an SSH Tunnel
SSH Tunnel + SOCKS Proxy Forwarding = Secure Browsing
You can use the -D
flag of OpenSSH to create a SOCKS proxy.
ssh -D 8080 savioko
In browser, set SOCKS5 at localhost:8080, and it will instantly work.
Something similar years later: Super Simple VPN with SSH Tunneling