Creating Phar PHP Files
There are lots of tools for that from plain phar pack -f
to lots of others. Za jednostavne skripte, dovoljno je:
phar pack -f example.phar -i example.php
chmod +x example.phar
Ali problem je malo u slučaju da imaš Autoloader odnosno da koristiš Composer.
Bez dileme ovo je najkompletniji tool. Ima čak mogućnost i kreiranja Docker fajla za Phar
Box is really polished application bundler with PHARs with repo at box-project/box. Definitivno je najbolji, ali mu je potreban PHP8 za rad.
Instaliraj sa:
chmod +x box.phar
I pokreni sa:
php box.phar compile
clue/phar-composer is Phar creation tool for every PHP project managed via Composer, and it’s introductionary article
Add line
“bin”: [“main.php”]
inside composer.json
and recreate composer.lock with composer update
Then execute:
php phar-composer.phar build .
Autoload aka phpab aka theseer/Autoload is lightweight phar archive builder.
wget -O phpab.phar
chmod +x phpab.phar
Run with:
php phpab.phar --phar --output example.phar --basedir . composer.json
Ali nikakve rezultate nisam dobio, odnosno jesam fajl “example.phar” koji ništ ane radi.
- Didn’t try Empir at all
Running Phar as normal PHP file on server
Create a “runner” script on your web server with the following content:
<?php include "phar://example.phar/anyfile.php";
<?php include "example.phar";
Perfect solution to avoid haveing to reconfigure server to handle .phar files same as .php files, and if you’re on a shared hosting you probably can’t change server at all
Sources are Using Phar Archives and Packaging Your Apps with Phar
Extract files from PHAR
Simple as:
phar extract -f example.phar
Box can do that also easily.
PHP Everywhere
From PHP to PHAR
Library when writing PHP CLI tools: CLImate - PHP’s best friend for the terminal.
A za Phar koristi box-project/box: 📦🚀 Fast, zero config application bundler with PHARs.. Inače, Phar je podržan standardno svugde. A pogledaj i clue/phar-composer: Simple phar creation for every PHP project managed via Composer
PHP to EXE Compiler
List of all of them: Free PHP Compilers: compile PHP scripts to native code, .NET or Java bytecode | Wapache je samo bundlovani web server i PHP.
Ovaj baš obećava ali za male CLI ircmaxell/php-compiler: A compiler. For PHP i radi gde god postoji PHP a to je svugde. Izgleda super jednostavno ali je i dead.
but only one is very much alive: PeachPie | PHP compiler to .NET i savršen je! Pritom radi i sa Phar falovima: Phar archives - PeachPie Documentation
WpDotNet | WordPress on .NET Core on iolevel/peachpie-wordpress: WordPress running on .NET Core.