PHP: Miscellaneous

PHP: Miscellaneous

Modern Tooling

Unit testing PHP?

Quickly Perform PHP Unit Testing With PHPUnit

Interesting PHP libraries

Optimize images

  • spatie/image-optimizer
    can optimize PNG,JPG,SVG,GIF and WebP by running them through a chain of various image optimization tools. Not sure if it can convert or resize images.

Browser screenshots



spatie/crawler: An easy to use, powerful crawler implemented in PHP. Can execute Javascript.

By default, the crawler will not execute JavaScript, but you can enable the execution of JavaScript: this package uses Browsershot subpackage. This package uses Puppeteer under the hood.

Primer projekta koji koristi spatie/crawler je JanDC/SiteCompare: Site- and DOM crawler, extracting price information from sites

Goutte & Panther - same API and that’s important

PHP Web Scraping: What to know before you start with Symfony Panther, Goutte, and more
Web Scraping with PHP

Proxy in Panther:

PHP on desktop

desktop php

Crossplatform GUI Library for PHP sa repo na wxphp/wxphp: Build cross-platform software with rich native GUIs using the combined power of the PHP language and the wxWidgets library. je daleko najbolje rešenje jer koristi odličnu wxWidgets: Cross-Platform GUI Library, ali mi se čini da je baš usporio sa razvojem.

I find this cross-platform library interesting. Take a look at it, as it seems to create small and fast applications. I’m fed up with bloated Electron rubbish.

Hollywood - Multimedia Application Layer

PHP: UI is a desktop UI API, which actually wraps an excellent andlabs/libui library, a simple and portable GUI library in C that utilizes the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports. However, libui is not complete and lacks essential features, seeming to have ceased development in 2019.

cztomczak/phpdesktop: Develop desktop GUI applications using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite

date 27. Aug 2019 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: PHP » Miscellaneous