REST API Playgrounds and Tools

REST API Playgrounds and Tools

API, OAuth, API resources

This is an interesting list of free public APIs

And here is a Guide to the Most Popular Types of APIs: REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and gRPC

API Playgrounds

Consuming REST API, REST API Debugger, debugger for RESTful web services, REST API Playgrounds, Visual HTTP client, Postman Copycats

Uglavnom je sad sve ovo urađeno kao Web aplikacija, ali ima ih još poneki u formi browser extenzije.

API Playgrounds as Apps


Hoppscotch | hoppscotch/hoppscotch is open-source API development ecosystem. Old name was Postwoman. Also supports GraphQL i gomilu drugih realtime standarda kao WebSocket i Socket.IO pa čak i MQTT! A i definitivno vizelno izgleda najbolje od svih open-source projekata. Jedino što Insomnia ima a on nema je gRPC


Restfox | flawiddsouza/Restfox is offline-first web based HTTP client similar to Postman & Insomnia. Iako izgleda jednostavno, može dosta toga, a open-source je i dalje.

There is also Restfox CORS Helper Firefox extension with ability to bypass CORS restrictions so that you can make requests from the Restfox web application without worrying about CORS issues.

Insomnia API Client

  • Insomnia je oduvek bio najpoznatiji konkurent Postman-a. Sada se zovu collaborative API development platform. Insomnia supports also GraphQL, ali izgleda da je to sad često. For free you get all tooling and collaboration, but only for one cloud project. Izgleda da je klijent Kong/insomnia pa jel open-source? Jeste? cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC. Woow: gRPC


API Playgrounds as Extensions

Ima dosta extenzija za VS Code, ali je REST Client ubedljivo najpopularniji.

Google API Specific Tools

Official Google OAuth 2.0 Playground is something like Postman for Google only.

Article about integrating Google Client Side OAuth 2.0 with React: OAuth with React

Creating REST API

  • Swagger is API design and documentation tool. Swagger is an open-source set of rules, specs and tools for developing and describing REST APIs. Check Swagger Editor.

API Testing Tools

cUrl alternatives

HTTPie – command-line HTTP and API testing client for the API era with repo httpie/httpie: 🥧 HTTPie for Terminal — modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more. is also brew install httpie

Curlie | curlie with repo rs/curlie: The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie. and also brew install curlie


Postman, Insomnia and similar tools open-source alternative bruno

date 23. Jan 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: API » REST API Playgrounds and Tools