macOS » Tips

macOS » Tips
And with TAP it works

Show hidden files

To view hidden “.” files in Finder, simply press Cmd+Shift+. (dot) and they will be displayed.

There is also a special free tool specifically designed for this purpose, called Funter.

Show file’s full path in Finder

To enable the display of the full file path in Finder on macOS, follow these steps:

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
killall Finder

Paste path to Finder

To access a specific folder quickly in macOS, you can paste the full path or pathname in Finder dialogs. The process can be accomplished by following these steps: “Finder > Go > Go to Folder” or by using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G.

For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the Apple Support article Go directly to a specific folder on Mac.

Backspace in Finder

I want to navigate to the parent folder in Finder using the Backspace key without any issues when editing text. Apple has designated the Cmd+Up (Up Arrow) combination as the native shortcut for this functionality and generally shortcuts involving Cmd and Arrow keys work quite well in Finder.

If I simply remap the key in Finder, it creates a problem when I try to edit a text field or rename a file using F2. In these cases, the remapping is not desirable. Therefore, I need to find an ideal solution, and it seems that the only way to achieve this is with the help of Hammerspoon.

For a multitude of partial solutions and possibilities, you can refer to the discussion on Making the Backspace key go to the previous folder in Finder - Super User.

date 07. Sep 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: macOS » Tips