macOS » Key Remapping - Uh, Oh

macOS » Key Remapping - Uh, Oh

remap the keys of your keyboard

Official Native macOS keyboard shortcuts by Apple Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac VScode Shortcuts Mac vs Windows

Kao prvo, treba znati terminologiju. Hyper key (aka Dual Key, Leader Key) means that a key serves two purposes, once when pressed alone and once when held down. Od svakog tastera možeš napraviti Hyper-key odnosno Modifier-Key, npr holding o+f can open Firefox and similar. Every tool supports this option.

Native Keyboard Layout

macOS suppors an XML-based format for keyboard layouts (.keylayout files). Windows poseduje sličnu stvar.

Keyman je cross-platform izuzetan alat za kreiranje rasporeda tastature. Na ovoj adresi možeš i da probaš layouts.

Isti global nonprofit pravi i macOS Ukelele - SIL Language Technology - SIL Language Technology i glavna razlike je što Ukulele pravi layout koji se bez ičeka koristi u macOS. You create custom keyboard layout and export it as a standard .bundle file that you can then install by double-clicking from Finder. Once installed the layout will appear as a choice under “System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Source > Plus Button”


Karabiner je, iako popularan, ustvari početnička besmislica. Mnogo ozbiljniji toolovi su potrebni da se reše Apple svinjarije. Karabiner, kmonad both are good for different reasons

Prvi naziv alata je bio k0kubun/KeyRemap4MacBook: KeyRemap4MacBook is a powerful utility for keyboard customization., ali je promenio ime u tekezo/Karabiner: Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization. i tek na kraju ceo rewrite urađen u pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements: Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.

Pošto je tako amaterski napisan, Karabiner ne podržava učitavanje multiple config files, pa su masovno korisnici pronašli Goku odnosno yqrashawn/GokuRakuJoudo: config karabiner with ease koji omogućava kraću konfiguraciju u nekom svom EDN formatu i koji je još gori japanski debilizam. Pročitaj malo više Hacking your keyboard with karabiner · Kaushik Gopal’s Site i

Od svih ponuđenih External JSON generators jedino smisao ima evan-liu/karabiner.ts: Write Karabiner-Elements configuration in TypeScript i naravno osnovni, koji više ne radi nego radi: Karabiner Complex Rules Generator

Najbolje je menjati rule-ove u Karabiner Complex Rules Generator a zatim ih “sastavljati” u jedan veliki fajl, uz pomoć toolova i macos - Is there a user-friendly editor for Karabiner complex modifications? - Ask Different

Merge karabiner.json with complex modification rules

Koliko je primitivan Karabiner. Ne možeš na primer da definišeš nešto kao variablu (meni trebalo koja je aktivna aplikacija) - sve je to bolje uraditi u Haommerspoon. Kakvo govno govnasto.


Ja smatram velikom prednošću jer je cross-platform. Karabiner is easier to setup, kmonad is more difficult but it’s much more powerful.

kmonad/kmonad: An advanced keyboard manager

Jeste napredan, ali je sve mučenje. Od instalacije preko svega ostalog.

kmonad: You can have a single button do different things based on whether it is pressed quickly in succession, or pressed once, or held.

Ceo repo o ovome: keyboard-therapy/ at main · focusaurus/keyboard-therapy

KMonad offers advanced customization features such as layers, multi-tap, tap-hold, i pritom je cross-platform

Ima i drugih moparisthebest/rusty-keys: uinput level keyboard mapper for linux, macOS, and windows, with advanced caps lock and shift swapping behavior je cross-platform

In Praise of AutoHotKey | Hacker News

rbreaves/kinto: Mac-style shortcut keys for Linux & Windows.

What about CapsLock?

Nije baš moguće jer Bind capslock to hotkey · Issue #3512 · Hammerspoon/hammerspoon

Lako u Karabiner uzVirtual modifier | Karabiner-Elements


  • ctrl+cmd+alt
  • remapped it as a new modifier layer, so I can launch several macros from it
  • tap: as capslock
  • hold: as control?
  • as “compose”?
  • nemam fn na eksternoj tastaturi, a treba mi, pa se možda zauvek prešaltovati na to?
  • doubletap shift for caps lock

Do you remap your “Caps Lock” key? What to?

Hyper, Meh, etc

keyboard layout - What are the Meta, Super, and Hyper keys? - Ask Ubuntu

  • Hyper = Ctrl + Win + Alt + Shift
  • Meh = Ctrl + Alt + Shift (like Hyper without Win/Cmd)
  • Super key is equivalent to the Win (Windows logo) or Command (Cmd ⌘ on macOS) key
  • Meta key is not found on modern keyboards but is sometimes emulated with AltGg on some international layouts or the right Alt key on the others
  • Alt key is sometimes called Option
  • Fn is a hardware key that’s not directly interfaceable by the operating systems
  • Compose key is not a modifier but a dead key

Space Cadet keyboard

Mechanical Keyboards

Typewriter Keyboards Blog - More Than A Keyboard The 4 Best Retro Keyboards 7KEYS Retro Typewriter Keyboard 7keys Typewriter Keyboard Review (TW1867) SUEHIODHY GK85 Retro Typewriter Keyboard Rymek Classic Mechanical Keyboard - Knewkey Mechanical Keyboard Official Online Store GMK67 Build & Sound Test - Best Budget Keyboard 2023 QWERKYWRITER Typewriter Inspired Mechanical Keyboard®

Sending high-freq signals (Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-D, Ctrl-C) and vim/tmux prefix meta key via

Amit’s Thoughts: Mac keyboard with hidutil hidutil key remapping generator

U Karabiner-Elements može lako da se uradi single tap jer ima “to_if_alone”, ali je double tap problem jer nema načina da resetuješ varijablu ako se bilo koji taster pritisne između dva tap-a. Može da se implementira uz pomoć tajmera, ali to nije idealan način. Karabiner-Elements does not currently support wildcard or “any key” definitions in its JSON configuration format, a to bi bio način da između dva tap-a resetuješ tu varijablu.

Ali svejedno jer sam pronašao i sredio moj bug u Hammerspoon.

Ovi toolovi služe samo za grafički prikaz tastature ali briljiraju u tome:

Najbolje rešenje je ovo: quickdraw6906/hammerspoon-pc: My hammerspoon Lua scripts to bring PC key bindings to the mac (and other useful goodies) vidi hammerspoon-pc/actions.lua at master · quickdraw6906/hammerspoon-pc

date 21. Jun 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: macOS » Key Remapping