Antivirus on macOS

Antivirus on macOS

Ako već nešto treba da instaliraš, postoje dve smislene opcije, a to je VirusBarrier Scanner i Malwarebytes.

Apple’s Built-in Antivirus explained here Protecting against malware in macOS - Apple Support sadrži tri osnovna nivoa zaštite - Gatekeeper, XProtect and Malware Removal Tool (MRT).

Built in antivirus (XProtect) on macOS : MacOS

Built-in Protection for macOS

XProtect is useful, but not perfect. It’s a fairly rudimentary antivirus. It only checks downloaded files run through File Quarantine. Apple issues the updates for XProtect separately from regular OS updates, and on a more routine basis. By default, macOS checks for these updates daily.

Apple has recently added XProtect Remediator to macOS, a malware detection service that builds upon XProtect by running regular scans, instead of just checking applications when they are launched and changed. However, since it runs silently in the background, it’s difficult to tell how and if it’s working. XProCheck gives you more insight into what XProtect Remediator is doing. Install with brew install --cask xprocheck. SilentKnight presents a numeric summary on the same lines, instaled with brew install --cask silentknight, but if you want to see more detail, then use XProCheck.

Odličan je tool, verovarno i najbolji, UXProtect provides the missing UI to Apple’s built-in XProtect i koji se instalira sa brew install --cask uxprotect, ali su mi updates nešto halt-ovali pa proveri da li je još uvek aktivan pošto mislim da je poslednja verzija iz 2018.

Odličan review sa osvrtom na free opcije koje podržavaju: Best Mac Antivirus for December 2023 | Macworld

Malwarebytes nisam siguran da ima free verziju za macOS, jer je ovde ne nalazim Malwarebytes Free: Free Antivirus 2024 | 100% Free & Easy Install

Only catch with Malwarebytes free is that it’s unless you run a scan manually. It will not pick up malware in realtime, I tested this by downloading some malware samples to which Malwarebytes did nothing about them nor did it notify me.

Instaliraj sa brew install --cask malwarebytes. Zatim sve staviš next, bez unošenja email-a. I na kraju, iz opcija, deaktiviraš Trial. I to je to - dobijaš free verziju koja ti navodno ni ne treba.

Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac se instalira direktno iz store-a, alo one review suggests that it might install a VPN without permission, which is reason enough for me not to consider it. This product is developed by a Romanian company based in Bucharest a Bitdefender has retired the free Virus Scanner for Windows, so the free Mac version’s days may be numbered.

Avira Free Antivirus for Mac: virus protection for Apple jeste stvarno free za on-demand chech i instalira se kroz store, tako da ga vredi probati. Take away the tools that require a subscription, and you’re left with the antivirus feature, ali to je meni ok.

Norton acquired Avira at the end of 2020 so that puts Avast, AVG and Avira all under the Norton umbrella.

Definitivno i potvrđeno za macOS ne postoji free verzija Kaspersky Antivirus Software

VirusTotal ima mac Desktop App koji je ustvari convinient file uploader, ali za manje i pojedinačne fajlove radi posao, ali mi većinom nije mnogo koristan.

AVG Free Antivirus for Mac ima realtime-protecton ali je to baš ono što ja ne želim, već isključivo on-demand, ali sam siguran da se može isključiti. Instalira se baš jednostavno sa brew install --cask avg-antivirus.

Intego VirusBarrier Scanner je stvarno besplatan i normalno se instalira preko store. Intego je firma koja pravi X9 odličan mac-only antivirus and is a longtime mac-only software producer! Clean and lightweight, VirusBarrier Scanner uses the same engine and signatures from the commercial product. However, as stated in its App Store sheet, it does only work on-demand, što je u mom slučaju idealno. Iako je besplatan, on čak i podržava daily-scanning, ali sam i to isključio.

Jedini je problem što ne može da skine najnovije malware definition… neupotrebljiv?

Wildfire Antivirus sam negde iskopao a u pitanju je single developer, i mislim da to više ne postoji.

date 20. Dec 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: macOS » Antivirus
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