Nginx Snippets & Advanced Techniques

Nginx Snippets & Advanced Techniques

Memcached config

Nginx configuration that reads from memcached (populated by WP-FFPC plugin), and if not found, then from HHVM, and lastly from PHP-FPM. The only thing not working is if you stop HHVM, it does not failover to PHP-FPM as it should be. Also, responces from memcached does not contain original headers.

I decided not to use such advanced configuration as I detected that speed directly reading memcached from PHP is not that slower than from nginx - and there are far less complications involved.

# Force www
if ($host !~* ^(www)) {
    return 301 $scheme://www.$host$request_uri;

# Force SSL
if ($scheme = http) {
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

# Fix for Wordpress permalinks 404 problems
location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;

location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files /dummy_nonexistant_file @memcached;

# memcached with failover to hhvm
location @memcached {
    error_page 404 405 502 504 = @hhvm;

    # avoid cache serve of any URL with query strings
    if ($args) {
        return 405;

    # avoid cache serve of POST requests
    if ($request_method = POST) {
        return 405;

    # avoid cache serve of wp-admin-like pages, starting with "wp-"
    if ($uri ~ "/wp-" ) {
        return 405;

    if ($http_cookie ~ (wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in|comment_author|wordpressuser)_ ) {
        return 405;

    default_type text/html;

    add_header X-Powered-By "Memcached";

    set $memcached_raw_key $scheme://$host$request_uri;
    set $memcached_key data-$memcached_raw_key;


# Also needed to increase upload max size
client_max_body_size 32M;

# Web Fonts - CORS & expires
location ~* \.(?:ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2)$ {
    add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*";

    # Only one location match is ever executed - therefore the relevant
    # location match must contain all relevant rules. The first regular
    # expression to match the query will stop the search.
    expires 1M;
    access_log off;
    add_header Cache-Control "public";

# OCSP stapling
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
# Trusted cert must be made up of your intermediate certificate followed by root certificate
# ssl_trusted_certificate /path/to/ca.crt;
# Using Google DNS & OpenDNS
resolver valid=60s;
resolver_timeout 2s;

# Speed up SSL handshake
# SSL Session Cache
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:20m;
ssl_session_timeout 10m;
# Use only fast ciphers
# ssl_ciphers ALL:!ADH:!EXP:!LOW:!RC2:!3DES:!SEED:!RC4:+HIGH:+MEDIUM

# Cache static content
# Note: needs a expire period of one week for a A grade
location ~* \.(?:css|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|cur|gz|svg|svgz|mp4|ogg|ogv|webm|htc)$ {
  expires 1w;
  access_log off;
  add_header Cache-Control "public";

  # add missing vary header in SPDY to please GTmetrix and such
  add_header Vary "Accept-Encoding";

This is a compiled idea from the following sources:

About some nginx variables:

  • $request_uri is full original request URI, with arguments, and it does not contain a host or domain name (always starts with a “/” character).

I want to protect a site from public eyes, but also give access only to specific users - cookies seem perfect for this.

Just add this:

if ($http_cookie !~* 'etk-private') {
    return 401;

Simplest way to set a cookie is to go to any domain page and in JS console type:

document.cookie = 'cookie=etk-private;max-age=3153600000;path=/';

Or you can do this automatically by visiting specific URL. To set this up, enter:

if ($uri = "/etk-set-private-cookie/") {
    rewrite ^ /etk-set-private-cookie/ last;

location = /etk-set-private-cookie/ {
    add_header Set-Cookie "etk-private=1;Path=/;Max-Age=31536000";


something like:

if ($uri = "/private/") { rewrite ^ /private/ last; }
location = /private/ { add_header Set-Cookie "private=1;Path=/;Max-Age=31536000"; empty_gif; }
if ($http_cookie !~* 'private') { return 401; }
# Cookie Based Protect
if ($uri = "/svko/") { rewrite ^ /svko/ last; }

location = /svko/ {
    default_type text/html;
    add_header Set-Cookie "svko=1;Path=/;Max-Age=31536000";
    return 200 '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<h2>Hooray ;)</h2>\n<p>... now you can <a href="/">access the site</a></p>';

# Pass through certificate checks
if ($uri !~* "^/.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*)") { set $condition BO; }
if ($http_cookie !~* 'svko') { set $condition "${condition}TH"; }
if ($condition = "BOTH") { rewrite ^ /401-error/ last; }

location = /401-error/ { default_type text/html; return 401 '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<pre>  401 | Restricted Access</pre>'; }

We can test if it’s working.

# test if it's returning a cookie
curl -I

# test with cookie sent
curl -I -b 'gzoo=1'

# working with Let's Encrypt? even without cookie
curl -I

Do note that if statements in nginx are evaluated on every request, so that could have some performance implications.

Serve WebP or AVIF images

# serve webp if web browser supports webp and webp file exists on disk
# just like on

# add mime tyle for avif here or in /etc/nginx/mime.types
# How to configure your web server to deliver AVIF images:
types {
  image/avif avif;
  image/avif-sequence avifs;

# conditional variables based on headers
# usualy there is both avif and webp support
# explained:

map $http_accept $webp_suffix {
  default "";
  "~*webp"  ".webp";

map $http_accept $avif_suffix {
  default "";
  "~*avif"  ".avif";

server {
  # webp rewrite rules for jpg and png images
  # try to load alternative image.png.webp before image.png
  location /wp-content/uploads {
      location ~ \.(png|jpe?g)$ {
          add_header Vary "Accept-Encoding";
          add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*";
          add_header Cache-Control "public, no-transform";
          access_log off;
          log_not_found off;
          expires max;
          # trick: .jpg.webp.avif actualy never exist
          try_files $uri$avif_suffix$webp_suffix $uri$avif_suffix $uri$webp_suffix $uri =404;

Telephone Nginx Watch is an shell script that serves as the nearest equivalent to Nginx’s .htaccess file.

date 16. Feb 2016 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Server » Nginx » Tips and Snippets