HTTP/2 Server Push

HTTP/2 Server Push

Server push???

tarosky/http2-server-push-preload: Send Link headers for HTTP/2 server push for WordPress

HTTP/2 Server Push with code dana-ross/http2-server-push: WordPress plugin that enables HTTP/2 server push for local JavaScript and CSS resources enqueued in the page., unmaintained.

I kako vidiš da li push radi? Configuring HTTP/2 Server Push

WordPress -

The Ultimate Guide to High Performance WordPress How to Optimize Your WordPress Site for Search Engine Visibility

10up Engineering Best Practices

Exploring Differences Between HTTP Preload vs HTTP/2 Push - KeyCDN

How to verify server push is working?

Verifying with a Command-Line Client (nghttp)

You can see the PUSH_PROMISE that were pushed by the server with the nghttp command like following.

$ nghttp -nv | grep PUSH_PROMISE [ 0.217] recv PUSH_PROMISE frame <length=76, flags=0x04, stream_id=13> [ 0.217] recv PUSH_PROMISE frame <length=84, flags=0x04, stream_id=13>

To install nghttp for macOS:

brew install nghttp2
date 15. Oct 2023 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Performance » Preload Server Push