


Rclone or rclone/rclone as “rsync for cloud storage” is popular for a reason! can synchronize files between remote (FTP or any cloud provider) and local storage. Ovo nije continuous sync tool, iako možeš delimično da simuliraš uz cron job, ali ne potpuno, jer podržava only do 1 way sync, while za pravi sync potreban je 2 way syncing. Za 2-way sync bolji je Syncthing, Unison ili slični.


On Ubuntu, it is really recommended to avoid using the apt package manager for installation, as the included version may be outdated. In the case of Rclone, I wasted several hours because my version was 1.53 while the latest version was 1.63. This discrepancy caused numerous bugs that had already been fixed in later versions, such as the “couldn’t connect to ssh-agent: SSH agent requested but SSH_AUTH_SOCK not-specified” bug.

Therefore, it is advisable to install Rclone using the following command, as stated in the official documentation Install:

sudo -v ; curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash

RClone Config

FTP rsync for Windows

Configure remote with rclone config wizard.

Later, to sync remote to local, type:

rclone sync koviljaca-rs:/web www

mysql -e “DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS koviljaca_rs; CREATE DATABASE koviljaca_rs CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON koviljaca_rs.* TO ‘koviljaca_rs’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘H63eYQqs’ WITH GRANT OPTION”

first config setup and add new host

rclone config

check where this file is

defult location “$HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf”

rclone config file

možeš da navedeš koji fajl koristiš sa parametrom

rclone config file –config=_rc.conf

listanje fajlova i foldera, odvojeno

rclone –config=_rc.conf ls cnc24:143791_cnc24/wordpress_staging/plugins rclone –config=_rc.conf lsd cnc24:143791_cnc24/wordpress_staging/plugins

alias kreiraš u config kao običan remote, ali tip alias

rclone –config=_rc.conf config

ili ovako preko aliasa

rclone –config=_rc.conf ls “cnc:wp-content/plugins/wp-docsify” –max-depth 1

listanje podataka i isključenje rekurzije pritom

rclone –config=_rc.conf ls cnc24:143791_cnc24/wordpress_staging/plugins –max-depth 1

source -> destination

rclone sync -i SOURCE remote:DESTINATION

–dry-run and -vv

rclone –config=/projects/rclone.conf ls “cnc24_stage:/” –max-depth 1

Postoji i RClone za Android pod imenom Round Sync sa repo na newhinton/Round-Sync: Rclone for Android koji pravi backup na local, WebDAV i razne druge RClone targete.

Backup Solution: Deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption

Deduplicating so that can do incremental backup, encryption so that can be placed on not-secure cloud storage. Ustvari mi je potreban samo Linux backup jer ga upotrebljavam za backup servera.

Iako je korisno, backup ne mora da podržava baš ogroman broj storage providers aka targeta jer planiram da kao backup target koristim Rclone.

Contenders: Restic, Borg, Kopia, Duplicati


restic · Backups done right! is 100% Goland on repo restic/restic: Fast, secure, efficient backup program i naravno je cross-platform. U pitanu je klasičan one-way backup koji ima različite remote targete kao local, SFTP, S3, etc, ali može da koristi rclone kao target: Other Services via rclone

Restic stores unique data blocks, and Rclone syncs files. Restic is ideal for multiple backups using very little storage overhead with full restoration capabilities.

Using Rclone and Restic together for WordPress backups.

BorgBackup aka Borg

BorgBackup had mountable backups with FUSE. Is coded in Python plus C for performance critical parts.

Why should I switch from Restic to Borg? : BorgBackup Comparison between Restic and Borg backup - Nick’s Blog and Digital Garden Borg or Restic? – stickleback.dk

̊borgbase/vorta: Desktop Backup Client for Borg Backup

Duplicati, available from the duplicati/duplicati repository, is predominantly built in C# and is known for its cross-platform compatibility. It supports a wide range of storage targets, also including Rclone, and has a user-friendly web-based UI. A notable feature is the ability to create backups of open or locked files using the Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) in Windows or the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) in Linux, so you can, for example, back up Microsoft Outlook PST files while Outlook is running. There are a few technical considerations to keep in mind during implementation - the default deduplication block size of 100KB is considered too small and it is recommended to set the block size to approximately 1MB per 1GB of backup size, so for a 2TB backup a block size of approximately 2MB is recommended.

Kopia, like Restic, is written in Golang and hosted in the kopia/kopia repository. It supports various storage providers, including RClone, as seen in repositories, but what sets it apart is the inclusion of a GUI, as KopiaUI is available in two variants, as a web-based application for server mode backup, and as a desktop application for backing up personal computers, and you can read more about that here in Two Variants of Kopia. According to this source, Kopia is also significantly faster than Restic, which is quite impressive, and in conclusion it seems to be a very capable open source cross-platform backup tool.

Final 1-Way Syncing (Backup) Solution

Rclone and Watchexec odlično rade zajedno i upravo to i koristim.

Using S3 maybe? Mountain Duck

RsyncBrowser | Rsync without command line | Rsync GUI front-end

Rclone on macOS

I had a problem installing rclone on macOS and using the mount command, so rclone does not need to be installed on macOS using homebrew.

Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: rclone mount is not supported on MacOS when rclone is installed via Homebrew. Please install the rclone binaries available at https://rclone.org/downloads/ instead if you want to use the rclone mount command

rsync je apsolutni standard koji je stvarno cross-platform i služi i za local i za cross-device sync, ali NIJE bi-directional, a takođe je problem i GUI koji je za svaki OS različit, kao i to što system mora da podržava.

Postoji mnoštvo UI odnsono nadogradnji za rsync, a neki od najboljih su:

date 10. Mar 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Command Line » Sync » RClone