Midnight Commander
GNU Midnight Commander nije prepun opcija ali je pravi cross-platform a i console aplikacija je pa kao takav definitivno može da se koristi na najviše mesta. Međutim, od naprednih operacija poseduje samo S/FTP operacije i Hotlist, dok ostale stvari +, logično, treba raditi kroz obične console komande. Repo je na MidnightCommander/mc: Midnight Commander’s repository i svejedno ga svrstavam vrlo visoko kao dual-pane file manager.
Normal Backspace
Midnight Commander: go to parent directory with Backspace | The Ubuntu Incident
or in Windows:
Midnight Commander installed using Scoop stores it’s key mappings in $env:userprofile\scoop\apps\mc\current\etc\mc.keymap
Normal Esc
Why does the ESC key behave funny?
To cancel things you have to press it twice ESC-ESC or wait 0.5 seconds, or use F10 to cancel. There is no way to make ESC cancel immediately! Sad.
Find-As-You-Type - by disabling the command line we’ll get the same behavior as Total Commander and by typing will jump us to the relevant file. You can do the same using Quick-search keys Ctrl + S
or Alt + S
, and that is default.
This can only can be disabled in options Options > Layout > Other Options > Command prompt
and not in some config file.
Posle toga, koristi Ctrl + O
da pokrećeš komande.
Some Shortcuts
To show-hide Hidden files use shortcut Alt + .
aka Alt + dot
To temporary hide MC and enter command in command-line, and get MC back with Ctrl + O
Language in Windows
U PowerShell-u se pokreće na lokalnom jeziku iz nekoga razloga. Pokušaji sa
# none worked
[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = 'de-DE'; mc
[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = 'de-DE'; & "$(scoop prefix mc)\mc.exe"
# because this is working
[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = 'en-EN'; Get-Date
# the problem is that Get-Culture and $PSCulture var reflect the culture at startup time
[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = 'en-EN'; $PSCULTURE
So, no way to fix this