Home Assistant: Smart Home Hardware

Home Assistant: Smart Home Hardware

Tasmota on Sonoff

Flashing Sonoff Basic

Flash with Tasmota firmware, and later you can put whatever you want via OTA update that Tasmota supports.

SONOFF - A $5 Alexa-Controllable, WIFI Outlet Tutorial - YouTube

SuperHouseTV #21: Six Sonoff Secrets
UPDATED: get HASSIO and Tasmotized Sonoff up and running! - YouTube
Sonoff Secrets - YouTube
3-way Smart Switch! THE easy and cheap way! - YouTube

Najbolji način je bez ikakvog kompajliranja: Fastest way to Flash and Configure ESP8266 Based Sonoff Devices with Tasmota or other firmware - YouTube Skineš https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/releases jer tu je tool za flash: FlashESP8266.exe (taj se pokreće) ali je potreban i esptool.exe Zatim skini sa https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/releases sam firmware: sonoff.bin (može i sonoff-minimal.bin)

Držiš taster, staviš konektor, pokreneš FlashESP8266.exe i flashuješ. Posle normalno preko Termite napraviš osnovna podešavanja, liniju po liniju

Kad se flashuje, onda se samo u terminalu podese parametri. Skineš Termite (RS232 terminal) i podesiš parametre sledećim komandama (115200 bps podesi u Termite):

Password1 <WIFI_PASS>

Potreban je i Auto-Discovery za Tasmota preko koji unosiš u Console opciji web UI samog Sonoff. SetOption19 On ali i MQTT Discovery u samom Hass.io

Is MQTT discovery viable with Sonoff TASMOTA? : homeassistant

Flashing Sonoff POW

Sonoff Pow and Pow R2 · arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota Wiki

Putting 220Ohm resistor worked for me as well? Sonoff POW v2.0 flash mode · Issue #1203 · arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota

date 19. Oct 2018 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Hass.io » Smart Home Hardware