In pursuit of the ultimate JavaScript datepicker

In pursuit of the ultimate JavaScript datepicker

I am looking for the perfect JavaScript datepicker that is the smallest in size, has no dependencies, and is popular enough to not be abandoned.

  • flatpickr, flatpickr/flatpickr is the most popular datepicker by all parameters. Size of 14K gzipped.

  • Pikaday/Pikaday is also popular and actively maintained, size 5kb gzipped and 8K GH stars, but lack features compared to some other

Less popular options include

  • t1m0n/air-datepicker it looks very lightweight and some say very powerful. 2K GH stars and 13K gzipped

  • eonasdan/tempus-dominus and, 14K gzipped, 7K GH stars, is the successor to the very popular “eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker”, now with only Popper (7Kb) as dependency - and that’s why I’ll avoid it

  • mymth/vanillajs-datepicker is a vanilla JS rewrite of the bootstrap-datepicker.

  • qodesmith/datepicker, 5.9K gzipped, 300 GH stars

  • wakirin/litepicker had no dependencies from the start and has 1K GitHub stars, 14K gzipped. Author is now suggesting using Easepick which is a more modern library and I guess is by the same author

  • duetds/date-picker appears to be very elegant, with 2K GitHub stars.

  • easepick/easepick je blizu da mi bude izbor

  • pickadate.js is currently still working on a new version 5, which is vanilla JavaScript, as the original version has dependencies.

These have some kind of WordPress plugins available

Some others that may be interesting for their unique design:

date 19. Jan 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: JavaScript » UI Element » Datepicker JS