Hosting » Control Panels

Hosting » Control Panels

Concider switching to Hestia


ISPConfig is a secure solution that I have been using for years, despite its complexity. I am familiar with it and can control it well. Jedini realan competitor da promenim je sada postala Hestia, jer je na TinyCP bio ok dok they hadn’t messed up so badly with the “new version” which makes them very unreliable.

Also supports Softaculous auto installer, if needed.


CyberPanel is an excellent panel with OpenLiteSpeed that allows you to host an unlimited number of domains at no cost. Instructions for installation can be found at their site and a very helpful guide for setting up CyberPanel on Hetzner Cloud can be found in this video.


The TinyCP control panel is lightweight and fast, and it supports both Apache and NGINX servers. Everything looks great and fast, but unfortunately, it seems that this project is going to be abandoned: The project is abandoned?. Although they are actively developing a new version, according to Roadmap, they do not plan to evolve the current version of TinyCP. Until the release of the new version, this one will remain free. It’s a shame. But if you want to install it, you can follow the instructions on Hetzner Community article.

Hestia Control Panel

The Hestia Control Panel looks great, coded in PHP, and it comes with many features, even though it may not have a lot of options. It supports everything you might need. To install it, follow the instructions on How to install the Hestia webserver control panel. The Hestia Control Panel’s repository can be found at hestiacp/hestiacp, which is a lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.

Hestia CP is a fork of VestaCP. Poseduje i “Quick Install App” sa napoznatijim PHP paketima.

Nginx FastCGI Cache out of the box with nice plugin jakobbouchard/hestia-nginx-cache: Hestia Nginx Cache Integration for WordPress..

Ceo projekat se vrlo aktivno razvija i unapređuje.

Hestia podržava i Roundcube and SnappyMail, ali predlažem odvojeno rešenje kao mailcow.

Meni se CloudPanel sviđa zato što imam potpunu kontrolu nad nginx config, dok kod Hestia to nemam. To mi se isto sviđa kod ISPConfig.

Kao statistiku ima samo AWStats, dok na primer ISPConfig podržava čak tri AWStats, Webalizer i najmoderniji GoAccess

Vesta Control Panel

Vesta Control Panel has Softaculous auto installer included i po meni uopšte nije loš iako je ipak HestiaCP a better choice.


The aaPanel is mostly written in Python but has everything you need, including NGINX and other components. It is made by a Chinese company, so it should be reliable to exist in the future. You can find the aaPanel repository at aaPanel/aaPanel, and instructions for installation can be found on A simple installation guide for aaPanel.

Ustvari je prepun opcija koje se fokusiraju na kontrolu celog servera a ne samo veb servisa, pa tako možeš instalirati ne samo nginx ili apache, nego i na primer Openlitespeed, a tu su i PM2, elasticsearch, docker, WebHook, etc. Takođe jednostavno možeš da switch version of nginx bez da koristiš shell, a tu su i sva detaljna konfiguracije, i za PHP i za nginx i ostalo. Možeš i da kompletno podesiš Mail Server (koristi iRedMail) iz panela, kao i SMTP forward i slično.

Statistics se mora posebno platiti.

Kod nas ga nudi uz ISPConfig.


The CloudPanel, coded in PHP, looks somewhat too simple for my taste, but I could be wrong. You can follow the instructions on How To Install CloudPanel on Debian 10 to install it. Ustvari, odličan je i besplatan je! Podržava sve claud providere i lepo objašnjeno baš u njihovom docs: Getting Started | CloudPanel | Documentation. Pogrešio sam oko “too simple” pošto ima većinu stvari out of the box i to baš lepo raspoređeno, a od naprednih stvari ima i out-of-the-boy na primer Varnish Cache

Meni se CloudPanel sviđa zato što imam potpunu kontrolu nad nginx config, dok kod Hestia to nemam. To mi se isto sviđa kod ISPConfig. Jedina je mana CloudPanel nešto što je ranije bila prednost, a to što nginx bez PageSpeed prijavljuje grešku, a mod_pagespeed je retired polako. Takođe, CloudPanel nema nikakav oblik statistike out-of-the-box, npr Matomo (Piwik)

CloudPanel Install on Hetzner with WordPress Setup

CloudPanel backup supports: SFTP, S3-compatible object storage, Dropbox, Google Drive but only if you use the paid Google Workspace service, or any Custom Rclone Config. Praktično, SFTP i S3

By default, all sites are backed up. The vhost and the entire home directory of each site, excluding the .ssh, logs, and tmp directory, are included in the backup. In the Excludes field, you can exclude directories and files. If you want to exclude a site from the backup, put /home/$site-user/ in the excludes.


WordOps - High performance WordPress stack with a few keystrokes was forked from EasyEngine v3 How to Host WordPress with WordOps For High Performance


Optimized NGINX Web Server » at repo QROkes/webinoly: Optimized LEMP Web Server to manage your WordPress, PHP, or simple HTML sites running on a powerful NGINX setup.


Fastpanel je besplatan ali ne open-source, nešto kao CloudPanel, a izgleda da nije popularan zato što je Russian - a meni to i nije neka prepreka.


pratio sam ovo uopšteno: How to setup Hestia panel on Oracle Cloud Free Tier | JoshWP Inače, video tu je drugom polovinom super za podešavanje SMTP-a.

Neke od interesantnih komandi na Hestia:

v-change-sys-port 2083 (jasno) v-change-sys-hostname (jasno) v-add-letsencrypt-host (za dodavanje SSL-a za sam control panel)

Kako napraviti prilagođeni Hestia install?

Lightest possible setup for wordpress website - Community Support - Hestia Control Panel - Discourse

or by version


sudo bash –port ‘22999’ –lang ’en’ –hostname ‘’ –email ‘’ –password ‘xXiMqCcceez8’ –apache no –phpfpm yes –multiphp yes –vsftpd yes –proftpd no –named no –mariadb yes –mysql8 no –postgresql yes –exim yes –dovecot no –sieve no –clamav no –spamassassin yes –iptables yes –fail2ban yes –quota no –api yes –interactive yes –force no

Postoji configure URL za Hestia install - Install string generator: Install | Hestia Control Panel i tu treba isključiti Apache definitivno.

odnosno ovde je lepo objašnjeno i testirano: Optimize Hestia CP for speed and fast WordPress – Random IT Hacks i imaš u ovom članku imaš šta je dobra brzina a šta loša

Hosting | FOSSBilling radi sa Hestia i ničim drugim što je besplatno. Inače, FOSSBilling je aktivni fork od BoxBilling sa repo na boxbilling/boxbilling: BoxBilling - Open source billing and client management software.

date 01. May 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Hosting » Control Panels