Self-hosted Secure Storage

Self-hosted Secure Storage

Here I am trying to find an ideal 2-Way bi-directional sync tool that functions like Dropbox, but can utilize any remote backend as storage, as well as a local folder (which Dropbox cannot do). Poenta je da nijedan “mirror” algoritam, kao na primer rsync, ne može da se koristi za ove namene, jer to je u suštini backup.

Researching open-source Tools

Self-hosted Dropbox or Nextcloud su vrlo poznata rešenja pisana u PHP. Ako se odlučiš, koristićeš ownCloud jer je NextCloud is gotten heavy and cluttered, and it does everything, but none of it well pa je stoga Owncloud is much faster than nextcloud. Nextcloud se fork-ovao i odvojio od Owncloud ali se ispostavilo da to baš i nije ispalo dobro.

Normalno možeš neki rclone mount da dodaš kao nextcloud external storage: Configuring External Storage (GUI) — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Owncloud Infinite Scale če biti vrlo bitan u budućnosti, jer je to rebuilt from scratch, pisan u golang i trebalo bi da je much faster and less of a sprawling mess than what nextcloud/owncloud have become over the years, ali je sa druge strane toliko različit da se može tretirati kao nov proizvod.

Rclone na neki način može da se koristi kao bi-directional tool, iako u originalu on to nije.

Rclone mount i ostalo - David’s Wiki

The multitude of scripts and tools, some of which also offer bidirectional synchronization, based on Rclone, can be found listed here Third Party Integrations with rclone

FileRun is a remarkable file manager and sync backend that primarily focuses on file sharing with clients. Although it excels in many other areas, it is a commercial product written in PHP. However, it is possible to find it on GPL websites. The most brilliant feature of FileRun is its compatibility with any Nextcloud or Owncloud client, making it available for all operating systems, including mobile OS. Additionally, it can also function as a WebDAV server, allowing it to be used as a sync backend for note-taking applications such as Joplin. In summary, FileRun can be considered a smaller and more efficient version of Nextcloud, ali ono što mene odbija od njega je to što za pokretanje traži “ionCube Loader” extension uz PHP 8.1, a to mi predstavlja previše maltretiranja.

Pydio Cells je potpuno besplatan za personal i storuje podatke na S3.

Seafile je tehnološki bio najbolji, iako nije open-source. Fail2ban protection for Seafile can be found here ali napisao sam davno i detaljan tekst o Seafile

AeroFS je postojao ali mislim da ga nema više.


2-Way (Bidirectional) Sync Tools

Neki toolovi se used to sync files between directories/drives (Local Sync), dok drugi is used to sync files between devices (Remote Sync). Samo dva alata podržava oba a to su Unison i FreeFileSync, a ja sam se odlučio za ružniji ali ipak najkompletniji FreeFileSync.

Syncthing is cross-plaform (Win, MacOS, Nix) koji poseduje vrlo elegantan MacOS UI u obliku syncthing/syncthing-macos: Official frugal and native macOS Syncthing application bundle koji se ustvari instalira kada kucaš brew install --cask syncthing, pri čemu je ovo --cask u ovom slučaju vrlo bitno, jer ako ga ne uključiš, dobićeš Syncthing bez GUI dela za menubar. Syncthing ume da share foldere sa remote devices bez da mu je potreban host server ili nešto slično, ali se ne može upotrebiti za sinhronizaciju jednog lokalnog foldera sa drugim, jer takav local usage autori namerno neće implementirati, kao što se vidi u ovom issue Local sync between directories · Issue #4721 · syncthing/syncthing, Znači, odlična je stvar što mu ne treba nikakav host odnosno centralni računar, a loše je jer ne radi lokalni sync, kao što to ume Unison ili FreeFileSync

FreeFileSync: Open Source File Synchronization & Backup Software is also cross-plaform (Win, MacOS, Nix), efikasno kodiran u C++, a on je namenjen baš samo za ono što Synchthing ne podržava, a to je upoređivanje i sync lokalnih foldera i to kao Real time synchronization kao RealTimeSync ali i kao povremeni kao Schedule Batch Jobs, dok kao remote end uglavnom podržava samo SFTP/FTP ali i Google Drive jer mu to nije ni osnovna namena. Vrlo se aktivno unapređuje i jedino što ga nema na homebrew, iako ima neki banalan razlog vezano za paid licence. Meni je UI vrlo zbunjujuć, a i ne sviđa mi se što kreira fajl .sync.ffs_db u folderu koji sinhronizuje i što uopšte pravi tu malu bazu.

The Unison file synchronizer je praktično savršen i zbog toga zaslužuje Unison odvojeni tekst.

DirSync Pro je FreeFileSync alternativa i ustvari jeste free i pored Pro imena, ali ne volim što je pisan u Java a ja takve toolove uvek izbegavam, ako ikako mogu.

Disqualified Tools

The following tools are the ones that I have taken out of consideration on a permanent basis for some very good reason.

SyncBack is a solid Syncthing competitor, although not cross-platform, because the main application runs only on Windows, and just an agent called SyncBack Touch can be installed on all platforms - which is required for delta copying and other advanced features. It is also neither open source nor free, and its pricing model is quite complex, and even if I could find a licence for the most powerful version, SyncBackPro, on some obscure GPL website, it would mostly just add support for some cloud storage options in addition to the standard FTP derivatives, and not much more. I won’t be using SyncBack because I don’t want the costs, especially considering the availability of several good open source cross-platform solutions.

Syncany is a cross-platform bidirectional file synchronization software designed to work with various storage backends. The source code for Syncany can be found at syncany/syncany. However, development of Syncany was discontinued in mid-2022.

SparkleShare supports MacOS and Windows clients, while the host is on Linux, but it seems to have very outdated client applications, as the MacOS version, for example, is from 2018. The whole project seems to have been abandoned, despite some commits to the hbons/SparkleShare repository. I think it uses Git as a kind of storage engine, which I find appealing as an idea, but I will avoid it anyway.

The FTPbox only supports FTP derivatives as a backend and is exclusively compatible with the Windows OS. Based on the last commit made to the FTPbox/FTPbox repository, which dates back a whopping 6 years, it can be safely assumed that the project has been abandoned.


One-way Sync aka backup aka clone

Best desktop backup software (2014)

Bvckup je na Windows apsolutno bez premca i tek treba da se pojavi nešto slično što je cross-platform.

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date 27. Jun 2016 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Cloud Storage » Personal » Open-source