Miscellaneous on SVG and similar

Miscellaneous on SVG and similar

Coloring a SVG

I’ve found that the only way to color SVG is by inline-ing it. I’ve tried everything else, but styling from external document, without inlining, simply doesn’t work. To conclude: If you keep your SVG image as a separate document, you can’t modify it from the HTML document that calls it.

Perfect resources:

Styling And Animating SVGs With CSS Cascading SVG Fill Color Multi-Colored SVG Symbol Icons with CSS Variables SVG fill with use tag

Failed experiments not using in-lining

I’ve tried using fill: currentColor inside SVG file, believing that currentColor will propagate from parent HTML document. But it won’ - it didn’t work. Btw, that meant search-replacing in notepad++ with regex-es:



SVG Design Resources

SVG Shapes

#3# SVG Dividers

Collection of unique shape dividers Design Set - Shape Dividers - OXYGEN4FUN

Create font from SVG files: The SVG Font Machine | Glyphter

Check this for IcoMoon: WP SVG Icons

SEO and SVG’s - recommended alt-text convention for SVG

SVG to remember

Perfect read for Illustrator: Tips for Creating and Exporting Better SVGs for the Web

SVG Sprite Sheet Methods How SVG Fragment Identifiers Work | CSS-Tricks

Using SVG | CSS-Tricks

Woow: SVG Editor SVG-Optimiser

SVGOMG - SVGO’s Missing GUI Testiranjem sam ustanovio da je SVGO oko 10 puta bolji od SVG-Optimiser-a. Isti tool Uses proven SVG compression library “svgo” koristi i SVG image compressor for the smallest file size at best quality

And other: b64.io - image optimisation & base64 encode

What a great tool:

Publish icons as SVG Sprites: fontastic Neko se već igrao sa mogućnostima: Iconic

Used Tools:

SVG Viewer – View, edit, and optimize SVGs | Hacker News

SvgPathEditor with repo Yqnn/svg-path-editor: Online editor to create and manipulate SVG paths

SVG Path Visualizer

SVG Path Editor

Tools to Visualize and Edit SVG Paths (Kinda!) | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks

Easy SVG Conversion | Layered SVG converted for method

date 18. May 2020 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: CSS » SVG Miscellaneous