AI Usage: Prompt Engineering
Writing Prompts for AI, GPT-3 or ChatGPT; Prompt Engineering; Prompting; Prompt Generators
Essential Rules
What makes a good prompt?
- Short sentences that are easy to understand
GPT-3 has a tendency to do direct translations, which usually sound a bit weird. I’m sure there are a lot of small improvements that can be made like this.
General Advices
- How to Use GPT-3 to Create and Enhance Text-to-Image Prompts
- ChatGPT Success Completely Depends On Your Prompt
- Prompt engineering - Wikipedia
- trigaten/Learn_Prompting
Izuzetan guide ali i organizacija:
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide
- dair-ai/ML-YouTube-Courses: 📺 Discover the latest machine learning / AI courses on YouTube.
- dair-ai/ML-Papers-Explained: Explanation to key concepts in ML
Goal: Summarize
- ChatGPT Hack For Summarizing Your Work
- The Best Way to Summarize a Paragraph Using GPT-3 - WFH Brian
Goal: Localizatipn
Prompt Generators
There is real model ChatGPT Prompt Generator, allowing users to generate prompts tailored to their desired persona. Svi rezultati su u formi “I want you to act as a X. I will provide you…”, ali to očigledno daje bolje AI rezultate.
Eksperiment: Write a Thank You Note -
Prompt Libraries
Prompt Collections
Prompt Marketplace: PromptBase
Professional AI whisperers have launched a marketplace for DALL-E prompts - The Verge
Prompt Libraries and Lists
Handy GPT-3 Prompts - AI Prompts Inspiration for creating avatars for free
Using GPT3 to help you write a blog your readers will remember | Moonbeam Moonbeam - Never write from scratch again.
Search results for ‘rewrite’ - OpenAI API Community Forum Paraphrasing with GPT-3 - Prompt Assistance - OpenAI API Community Forum
Using sadrži omanji ali odabrani spisak proptova. Sajte je baš zgodan jer se baš lako, jednim klikom kopira prompt u clipboard.
Inače, svi ti promptovi se nalaze u jednom fajlu, ako ti je tako lakše: awesome-chatgpt-prompts/prompts.csv
Curated Collections & Inspirations
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts: This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
- The Art of ChatGPT Prompting: A Guide to Crafting Clear and Effective Prompts
- text?
Follow: OpenAI API Community Forum Best Chat GPT Resources Prompt Engineering - WFH Brian
Desktop Tools
A inače, postoji jedna još starija Tauri aplikacija koja izgleda isto: sonnylazuardi/chatgpt-desktop i kao da je ceo kod dužine jedna linija možda:, jer se valjda tu lako pravi wrapper.
Moj novi pomoćnik ChatGPT Desktop App
Stvarno sam se umorio od copy-paste, a ova aplikacija će me spasiti toga, makar malo.
lencx/ChatGPT) je naravno unofficial app, i na svu sreću u pitanju je simple wrapper for ChatGPT web interface with powerful extras. A glavni extra je što možeš da koristiš svoje snimljene promptove uz pomoć slash commands, na primer /tr
. This eliminates manually copy-paste prompts each time.
Instaliraj sa: winget install --id=lencx.ChatGPT -e
Pravilan način upotrebe je da u text input area, type a character /
to bring up the command prompt, a zatim nakon izbora press the spacebar and it will fill the input area with the prompt.
- očigledno, najbitniji su ovi
slash-promptovi - može da se definiše globalni shortcut
- da se definiše da je prozor always-on-top
- ima copy odmah pored poslednjeg odgovora (eh da ga kopira u markdown, bilo bi bolje)
- exportuje kompletnu prepisku u PNG, PDF i Markdown
Tehnički gledano, application is built using Tauri koji je Electron samo bolji, a interesantno je da main window and system tray podržavaju custom URLs to wrap any website in desktop app. I opet očekivano, Tauri je pisan u Rust.
Developing API Interfaces
Ovde ne želim da smestim pravo programiranje već “Prompt Wrangling” odnosno modifikaciju prompta koji se šalju AI enginu preko API-ja.
Iskopao sam i ovu browser extensiju: benf2004/ChatGPT-Prompt-Genius Nema neka ludila, ali ima snimanje i promptove, što je glavno. I bukvalno su mu proptovi oni isti - identičan fajl.
Odavde sam izvukao i odličan primar kako pozivam OpenAI iz node.js skripte: ellie-website/create-i18n.js
Using ChatGPT as a Creative Writing Partner | Towards Data Science
- On Prompt Engineering | Ben Congdon microsoft/prompt-engine: A library for helping developers craft prompts for Large Language Models Prompt Engine – Microsoft’s prompt engineering library | Hacker News
ne razumem?
Holy fuck! Overview | Learn Prompting WOOW - Learn Prompting | Learn Prompting
Opet debili komplikuju: PROMPTMETHEUS - One-shot Prompt Engineering IDE
Interesting prompt approach: PromptGenerator · Chat GPT Users
ChatGPT, DALL·E & Stable Diffusion prompt marketplace - ChatX PROMPTMETHEUS - One-shot Prompt Engineering IDE Best ChatGPT Prompts - PromptHero
PromptLayer - The first platform built for prompt engineers
I najzad…
ChatGPT & Midjourney Prompt Generator
Prompt Studio izgleda napušten jer kao da hoće da naprave “Chains”, što i razumem, ali zato ne podržava GPT4 i ništa mi nije radilo. Dobro im je objašnjenje: Think of it like Postman but for LLMs
Plaćen: AIPRM
Great formulation for the language style I need: “The style should be formal, detailed, and informative. Please avoid using any creative or promotional language.”