WordPress » Hosting Sandboxed Temporary Sites

WordPress » Hosting Sandboxed Temporary Sites

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Article on Creating a WordPress Sandbox Website Services


TasteWP may have a slightly childish UI, yet it operates incredibly quickly and offers several brilliant options. There are template options, as well as custom plugin and theme uploads, even in the free version. A Quick-URL is similar to a template, but accessed through a URL, and so on.

With TasteWP, I can connect a custom plugin that I upload directly to a template.

It has some excellent features, one of which is a bookmarklet that should be clicked when you’re on a plugin or theme page in the WP directory. However, if you’re on a plugin or theme page in the WP directory, simply replace “wordpress.org” in the URL with “tastewp.com” and press enter to spin up a site to try out that plugin or theme.

Using a URL, you can launch a site with pre-installed plugins. Source, which is similar to templates.

As for limits, if you create a site while not logged in on TasteWP, it’s valid for 2 days, otherwise, it’s 7 days. It offers 1 GB of space for a free site. If you’re logged into TasteWP, you can create up to 6 sites.

Još nisu savladali custom domain name, a InstaWP radi to sa CNAME ali tek u Personal planu koji je 14$/m


InstaWP is definitely targeted towards developers, so it’s logical that I prefer it more. On a positive note, InstaWP has servers in Germany, offers the option to populate a site with test data using the Faker plugin, and you can install any plugins or themes available on wp.org, but not custom ones, as that requires Pro. You can set the language in advance and deploy a plugin or something else from a GitHub repository. All of this is available in the Free version.

In the Pro version, it supports White Label and includes the “Connects” option, which, with the additional plugin InstaWP Connect installed on your site, enables you to set up a staging site in an instant with two-way push from staging to production and vice versa. Another unique Pro option is “Commands”, which are a list of executable Linux-based commands that can be run remotely on one or multiple sites at once.

Like TasteWP, the free limits are 2 days for storage and 7 days for retention.

Mnogo je skuplji od TasteWP ali ponuda od 29$/m ustvari ubija jer ima i custom branding i SSH i WP-CLI i custom domain i sve za 25 sajtova. Pored toga, možeš da deploy-uješ direktno sa GitHub repo.

Glavni razlog što koristim TasteWP je to što je baš mnogo, mnogo brži u kreiranju novog sajta, a ono što me kod njih nervira je tih 5-6 reklamnih pluginova koje se automatski instaliraju.

I InstaWP ima svoje adute. Kada si ulogovan, InstaWP automatski koristi default shared template, što je savršeno, jer tu možeš da podešiš šta instaliraš. Možeš i da podesiš template da se otvara, ali sobzirom da imam samo jedn za free, nema to smisla. Sa druge strane, InstaWP može da podesti da FakerPress več popuni sajt nekim podacima, što mi se kao opcija strašno sviđa. A i nema bloat-a.

WordPress Sandbox - Free Test/Staging/Sandbox WordPress Site with Admin Access Free Staging WordPress Site. WordPress site setup in seconds to try new plugins and themes by qSandbox.com

Ovaj drugi: WP Sandbox Says Goodbye - WP Sandbox

date 02. May 2023 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: Wordpress » Sandbox Hosters