OpenAI / Microsoft

Kako se šta zove kod kog providera:

OpenAI / Microsoft

Dall-E 3: Bing Image Creator, maybe US only Dall-E 2.5 in Microsoft Designer

Others based on Dall-E:


Proizvod se zove FireFly iako većina funkcionalnosti postoji i u Photoshop. poslednji model je Stable Diffusion XL

Oficijelne platforme su DreamStudio i ClipDrop A najbolja, ali neoficijelna, je Playground

Inače, pošto je open-source, mnoštvo alata nudi Stable Diffusion prepakovano u svoj interfejs:

SDXL offers several ways to modify the images

Inpainting - Edit inside the image

Outpainting - Extend the image outside of the original image

Image-to-image - Prompt a new image using a sourced image

Skip Queue Stable Diffusion XL
Skip Queue Uncrop (1000 images per day)
Unlimited Background Removal HD
Unlimited Cleanup Pictures HD
Unlimited Relight HD
Unlimited Image Upscaler up to x16
Unlimited Text Remover
Unlimited Replace Background
Košta 13$/m

Clipdrop: Remove the background of images for free with incredible accuracy Replace Background

Kaleido / Canva

Kaleido AI GmbH is Austrian company, aquired by Canva in 2021

Image background removal: Video background removal: Unscreen Automated designs ready in seconds: Designify - Turn any photo into awesome

Available in Canva: Use our tools right from the no.1 design platform to create outstanding designs in no time.


Quick and easy design: Pixlr X Advanced photo editor: Pixlr E

One-click background changer and editor Photomash Studio Background Remover: Remove BG by Pixlr

Lot of Design Templates by Pixlr



  1. Task je da povećaš sliku sa jedne ili sa svih strana

Stable Diffusion: Clipdrop Uncrop Photopea za ovu operaciju ima “Magic Replace” pod tool-om “Lasso”

  1. Kako zameniti neke elemente na strani, obrisati i staviti nov objekat?

Stable Diffusion: Inpainting ili na Clipdrop Cleanup

  1. Task da ukloniš background

Stability: Clipdrop: Remove the background of images for free with incredible accuracy Kaleido AI GmbH: Remove Background from Image for Free – Pixlr: Background Remover Photopea takođe ima Remove Background

Some other tools:

date 27. Oct 2023 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: AI » Image Generation » Tasks