Build / Deploy Tools

Build / Deploy Tools


Grunt: The Build Tool for JavaScript Task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects :: grunt

Here’s the idea: when working on a JavaScript project, there are a bunch of things you’ll want to do regularly. Like what, you ask? Well, like concatenating given files, running JSHint on your code, running tests, or minifying your scripts. With lot of important plugins:

  • A grunt task that enables live reloading of updated watch files in the browser.
  • plugin for linting and minifying CSS

Articles: :: Using Grunt.js with CSS


It’s like LiveReload (or CodeKit) plus Grunt, but much more faster, robust and universal. :: Brunch | HTML5 application assembler

Great plugins / skeletons: :: icholy/ember-brunch

Yeoman :: Yeoman :: Improved Developer Tooling and Yeoman

Yeoman (Yo + Grunt + Bower)

Introduction to Ember Development

Three tools:

  • yo (the scaffolding tool), scaffolds out a new application, writing your Grunt configuration and pulling in relevant Grunt tasks that you might need for your build

  • grunt (the build tool), used to build, preview and test your project

  • bower (a package manager for the web), no longer have to manually download and manage your javascripts


npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower

You may also want to install and use additional generators. This is done through npm. You can see available generators with

npm search yeoman-generator

and then install them with npm install [name].

For Ember.js, we need: generator-ember

npm install -g generator-ember

mkdir webapp && cd webapp
yo ember
grunt server --force



Meet Bower: A Package Manager For The Web

Node restart on change

Node Supervisor

Node Supervisor is used to restart programs when they crash. It can also be used to restart programs when a *.js file changes. :: isaacs/node-supervisor

Alternatives to Node Supervisor are Run and Nodemon. Run is not as feature-rich as Supervisor. Nodemon is also feature rich, but I have found it to be a CPU hog, also it doesn’t restart after some runtime exceptions.


Simple node.js server restart. You can use nodemon with forever (restarting a node if server chrashes). :: remy/nodemon :: node.js rapid development: nodemon

Client-side package management

The State of Javascript Package Management

[Volo][volo] is very mature and is also a scaffolding tool.

date 01. Jan 0001 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: Build & Deployment Tools (XPS's conflicted copy 2023-11-09)