Plugins: Easy Env Switching: Dev > Stage > Prod

Plugins: Easy Env Switching: Dev > Stage > Prod

  • Set the Stage is a plugin that’s super easy to use and does what you expect. Didn’t work for me on same site staging.
  • roots/wp-stage-switcher is made specifically for Bedrock and is perfect.

The other plugins I tested: WP Local Toolbox is outdated, Envs Switcher doesn’t seem to work properly.

ServerPress/local-admin-color-bar: Changes the local Admin bar to another color and adds “LOCAL DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE” DX localhost

To distinguish between different development environments using favicons of different colors, use the following repository: dmhendricks/dev-favicons. This can be easily incorporated into a plugin.

How to Setup a Staging Environment for WordPress Development - Hongkiat on ovde pominje WP Toolbox also has some basic support for Slack notifications ustvari WebHook URL


Environment Debug Admin Toolbar

Display Environment Type

Admin Color Bar on repo ServerPress/admin-color-bar: Public repository for the Admin Color Bar plugin

Show Environment in Admin Bar with repo at pbiron/shc-show-env: Add an indication to the Admin Bar of the environment WordPress is running in (e.g., Prod, Staging, QA, Dev, etc)

Contextual Adminbar Color

Stage WP Plugin Manager with repo at andrezrv/stage-wp-plugin-manager: This WordPress plugin gives you the option to determine which plugins must be automatically activated either on local, staging or productions stages.

Apermo AdminBar with repo apermo/apermo-adminbar: This is a WordPress plugin, that adds links between your different development versions of your website.

This is staging (Label your site)

WP Local Toolbox with repo at joeguilmette/wp-local-toolbox: A simple plugin to set different defaults for local, staging and production servers.

Ne baš to isto ali vrlo interesantno WP Git Deploy

date 10. Feb 2023 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: Plugins » Env » Easy Switching