Relocate & restructure Uploads Folder
How To Customize Media Upload Directory In WordPress [WordPress tip] - Hongkiat How to set an upload directory for each media type? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange How Can I Organize the Uploads Folder by Slug (or ID, or FileType, or Author)? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
Custom Upload Dir — WordPress Plugins Media File Manager — WordPress Plugins Relocate Upload — WordPress Plugins
WP Media Folder, WordPress folder in media Available on WordPress Real Media Library - Media Categories / Folders by MatthiasWeb
About Latency
There must be latency of ~10ms per 1000km
Latency is constrained by the speed of light. Hence, 20ms RTT is equivalent to ~3000km, or a 1860 mile radius for light traveling in vacuum. We can’t do any better without changing the laws of physics. Our data packets travel through fiber, which slows us down by a factor of ~1.52, which translates to 2027 km, or a 1260 mile radius. What is remarkable is that we are already within a small constant factor of the theoretical limit.
Latency Optimization - Tips for Optimal Performance
WordPress Table Prefix? Changing It Does Nothing to Improve Security
Woow! Email is pre-populated in Facebook Leads Ads? Tap, Tap, Done: Testing a Simpler Way to Fill out Forms
Protect PHP code: naneau/php-obfuscator: A parsing PHP obfuscator