Plugins: Serbian Alphabet

Plugins: Serbian Alphabet

Transliteration, Cyrillic and Latin Alphabet, Serbian Localisation

Finally, the right plugin: Transliterator

bueltge/de_DE.php · GitHub toscho/Germanix-WordPress-Plugin · GitHub

WordPress › German Slugs « WordPress Plugins

WordPress › umlaute « Tags « WordPress Plugins WordPress › wp-cleanumlauts2 « WordPress Plugins WordPress › WP Permalauts « WordPress Plugins

Sanitize Filenames on upload

Must do the following:

  1. Convert international characters to normal, maybe even transliterate cyrilic to latin
  2. Remove invalid and strange charactes
  3. Replaces any ‘+’, ‘_’ or space with dash ‘-’
  4. All the dots ‘.’ except last one are replaced with ‘-’
  5. Lowercase everything

Jebote, ima ih kao “kusih pasa”

date 20. Jan 2023 | modified 20. Jan 2023
filename: Plugins » Localization » Alphabets, Serbian