Plugin Research: Media Library Management

Plugin Research: Media Library Management

First and foremost, let’s clear up the reason why WordPress does not tie an organization’s media to its physical location on the disk. The reason is simple and has to do with the fact that media can be located in various locations that are not on the disk, but rather remote, in cloud, and in that case, the entire concept of a physical location becomes irrelevant.

Additionally, the media segment in WordPress is tragically dumb and is likely one of the most improvable aspects of the CMS. That is why there are so many plugins for this area, as it truly lacks functionality.

related: Unpublished\eTaktiker\Wordpress Plugin - Image Size

Small Tasks

Rename Files

Najčešći razlog što možeš poželeti da promeniš ima nekoj slici je zbog SEO ili ako je ime baš ružno. Međutim, treba obratiti pažnju da plugin mora da “protrči” kroz sav sadržaj i da izmenja ime slike na svakom mestu, a to baš i nije lak zadatak. Pored toga, i keš se mora očistiti. Nekako, uvek kad ovo radim ispostavi se da je brže i tačnije da sam izmenim sliku u sadržaju i da ne puštam pluginu da to sam uradi.

Media File Renamer by Meow

This is very important for SEO. Auto-renames your media filenames depending on their titles. When files are renamed, the references to it are also updated (posts, pages, custom types and their metadata). Free version does not allow you to change the filename directly but as you change the title of the media the plugin will then change the filename. Works perfect.

My suggestion is to disable auto-rename in this plugin and just enable manual rename. Probably deserves reading Tutorial

Replace Image

Ovo radim kada mi se promenila slika, ali ja ništa drugo ne želim da menjam pa ni njeno ime. Pošto WP često pamti slike po njihovom ID-u, ne možeš samo da dodaš novu sliku sa istim imenom i obrišeš staru. Naime, će ova nova slika imati drugi ID i onda ništa neće raditi - mislim na razne galerije koje često spisak slika često pamte kao spisak ID od slika.

Zato nam treba plugin, da na isto mesto, pod istim ID, snimi novu sliku, koja može biti i druge veličine - samo je ID ostao identičan. Ja preporučujem i da ime fotke ostane identično, a ako to baš hoćeš da menjaš - to je potpuno odvojen proces, malopre objašnjen.

Enable Media Replace

Is another MUST plugin. With it, you can replace a file in your media library by uploading a new file in its place - no more deleting, renaming and re-uploading files! Again, a MUST.

Cleanup unattached images

Ustvari, mislim da nema nikakvog načina da ponovo povežem sliku (Reattach image) sa člankom, osim da ga ponovo unesem u članak. Ne samo to - nego čitav ovaj koncept povezivanja je klimav i skoro nikada se nemoj pouzdati da su ti podaci ikako tačni.

Podsećam da možeš list unreferenced (unattached) images kao standardna opcija u Media library.

Kada bih baš imao poverenja, onda bi mogli da pokrenemo neke pluginove koji bi nam obrisali nepovezane slike. Ali obavzeno, obavezno uključi recycle bin za media library, kako bi mogao da povratiš ono što je greško očišćeno.

Media Cleaner by Meow

sam korstio to cleanup Media Library, use . Please, read tutorial and ENABLE Media Library Trash / Recycle Bin feature in Wordpress.

Good read on Cleaning WordPress Media Library

The heavyweights

The main option I need is some way of grouping images, let’s call that media categories. Couple of plugins do that.

  • Enhanced Media Library can provide you with multiple taxonomies, but out-of-the box, it is working effectively and simple. Total customization of taxonomies and allows custom MIME Type.

  • WP Media Categories is very very small, simple, fast and doing its task. It is my second choice, but it is still beginning so not enough users and support for now. If have problems with it, just switch to Enhanced Media Library as you will NOT lose assigned categories.

    Note: Bulk category assignment is not working; not saving category.


  • Absolute champ in complexity is Media Library Assistant.

    Somehow too complicated without some extreme benefits, besides couple of beautiful options like: can extract EXIF data and put it in custom-fields. It is very customizable, thought.

  • Media Library Categories is 10 times smaller than others but it is NOT doing what I need - classifying images, because it uses existing post categories - and I want separate ones.

  • WP Media Category Management is not well-thought-out UI, and is a little too big.

How to regenerate thumbnails?

regenerate featured images; rebuild all image sizes

  • AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild: latest version on breiti/ajax-thumbnail-rebuild; probably the best for huge quantity of files; Review: “no other regeneration plugin would come close to finishing the process. This did the trick!"; the best functionality of regenerating single image thumbnail (but no option to regenerate in “List View” and there is no option to do multiple file regeneration)

  • Regenerate Thumbnails; the author of this plugin passed away but his plugins will be maintained by Automattic and members of the WordPress community; 1+ million downloads; regenerate single image but by opening a URL;

  • Bulk Generate Thumbnails; is actively maintained; respected author that cherish minimalism; simple results table helps me detect broken attachments; no option to regenerate single images

  • Force Regenerate Thumbnails; probably abandoned plugin but it has best options to regenerate in “List View” (better than)

  • The fastest should be to use wp media regenerate see via WP-CLI when having server access

  • Paid plugin Real Thumbnail Generator by experienced author; has free lite version on; has everything I need except it creates folder structure as subfolder of current location - need explaining

How to register new images from local folders?

import local images; create attachments from local files

  • There is new plugin Bulk Media Register that does the job; simple; by respected author that cherish minimalism
  • Media Sync is great to retrieve Media Library from uploads folder. Has great filters to check for attachments without files.
  • using WP-CLI command wp media import info; can import local but also from any URL remotely; should be the fastest

Using WP-CLI wp media image-size command we can list all registered image sizes

Post Thumbnail Editor to manually crop thumbnail images, one by one

This one can be useful: Media Library Filter as it filters the media in your library by the taxonomies and terms with which they are associated.

WP Users Media will disable the ability for users to access other users media files, only their own.

Plugin Research: Media Manager with Physical Folders

Plugin Research: Physical Folders in Media Library

I want a way to specify upload folder for media.

  • Real Media Library (2 plugin combo)

  • X4 Media Library for WordPress by x4wp works with physical folders. Can’t obtain Pro version and it is crippled without it. Works quite well but slow. It doesn’t sync with FTP created files but I can do that using some other plugins.

  • WP Media Folder by JoomUnited (2 plugin combo) I don’t think that “addendum” plugin is required anymore. But I don’t like its interface and “strange” folder Sync / Import - simply not logical.

    • WP Media Folder by JoomUnited doesn’t really “do” physical folders, but has some form of similar functionality via Synchronization of Server Folders and Media Folders. Has mostly raving reviews. Via addons has also support for Amazon S3 and other cloud storage providers.
    • WP Media Folders is not perfect, as it allows organization is via changing the URL for each picture. But it does what I want, in an ugly way. Also nicely integrates with WP Media Folder by JoomUnited
  • Organize Media Library (2 plugin combo) It’s straightforward and it works, but I can do better.

  • WordPress Media Library Folders by Max Foundry can also sync folders when moving or uploading a folder via FTP. It doesn’t have formidable reviews but it does look like the best option for now.

Media Manager not working with “real” physical folders

Typical “categorize” plugins. Služe da naprave More Efficient WordPress Media Library. Media Library Folder Plugin ali bez foldera stvarno. Ovih pluginova ima gomila i mnogi liče jedan na drugi. There is a lot of almost-copycat plugins in this category.

Ovde nabrajam pluginove koji takođe služe za organizaciju slika i vrlo često se služe konceptom “foldera” ali fizički stvarno ne preslikavaju tu organizaciju na disk, već isključivo služe za lakše grupisanje datoteka.

Ustvari, nakon duže razmišljanja, čak i ja dolazim do zaključka da je ovo pravi pristup problemu, a da fizička lokacija samih slika i ne treba da ima veze sa ovim, već sa sadržajem same slike (ali nikako sa mesecima i godinama).

  • FileBird with it Pro version. It doesn’t create “real” physical folders. Free version allows users to create and manage unlimited main folders and subfolders, iako ovo treba proveriti - mislim da su ukinuli. Odličan dodatak je FileBird Document Library help you create and publish a document gallery

  • Filester – File Manager Pro – WordPress plugin | je od iste firme Ninja Team koja redom kupuje pluginove i baca ih u kantu, a ostale monetizuje.

  • Jedan od najboljih of this type is HappyFiles, ali free version limitation is only 10 categories, nothing more, pa nije baš upotrebljiv

Migrations Media Library Organizer has in built importers, allowing you to migrate from other WordPress Media Library Plugins: Enhanced Media Library Folders (Premio) Wicked Folders


Interesting tweaks

How to stop the “bloat shit” in Media Library?

“Scaled” images?

Nothing removes “-scaled” images. It’s easy to stop them from getting created, but automatic removal is not possible. Just remove it using FTP or similar.

To disable “-scaled” images, deploy tiny PHP code (explained here or use an option named “Large image threshold” in Disable Generate Thumbnails plugin by Japanese minimalist.

WP-CLI Import an image from the web.


date 05. May 2020 | modified 20. Jan 2023
filename: Plugins » Uploads & Media » Media Management