Clipboard Tools

Clipboard Tools

Clipboard Manager

  • I selected multiplatform CopyQ | hluk/CopyQ as an advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features
  • Close second was Ditto. Others were simply not on par with these two.

Ovo možda i ne ide ovde, ali stavljam:

date: 2012-08-17

Automating My Workflow

Automating My Workflow

I just stopped looking for adequate extension. So, I’m taking a different approach.

Clipboard tools

stripClip: strip format from clipboard :: andreas michael thul » stripClip ClipboardFusion Very advanced. :: ClipboardFusion: Clipboard Text Scrubbing, Sharing Between Computers PureText :: PureText Home Page PlainPaste: Press Ctrl-V once to paste regularly, or twice fast to paste as text. RemoveClipboardFormatting.exe Others: :: Convert formatted text on the Windows clipboard to plain text with PlainTextClipboard :: 6 Useful Clipboard Tips in Windows 7 :: Shapeshifter - the best clipboard manager

Articles :: 6 Useful Clipboard Tips in Windows 7

Total Automaation

  • AutoHotkey :: AutoHotkey_L Warning: Don’t install the plain simple AutoHotkey. Use AutoHotkey_L

A custom build of AutoHotkey maintained by Lexikos which features objects, classes, Unicode and other enhancements for intermediate programmers.

Clipboardic utility - Save/share your clipboard data Share clipboard between computers on your network

date 10. Oct 2016 | modified 06. Feb 2023
filename: Research » Clipboard Tools