Online IQ Tests Collection

Online IQ Tests Collection

Mensa IQ Tests, preparing for Mensa test

This is an excellent Quora response that provides a list of various tests: Answer to What is the best free online IQ test?

Very interesting questions and answers:

Interesting fact? “Many people with IQ north of 135 remain virgins all their lives.”

Test Design

Raven Matrix; Raven’s Progressive Matrices; Raven’s Matrices; RPM

  1. There are a total of 36 tasks. All problem tasks consist of a 3x3 matrix of simple geometric figures (Raven’s Matrices), with the last field (bottom right corner) left empty. The goal is to find an appropriate solution that would complete the logic of the matrix by selecting one of the 8 provided answers (1-8) instead of the empty field.

  2. In simpler problem tasks, only one parameter plays a role (e.g. figure shape), while in more complex ones, two parameters (e.g. shape and shading) or three parameters (e.g. shape, shading, and number) are involved. The test is designed with increasing complexity of problems, starting from simpler ones to more complex ones.

  3. According to Mensa’s criteria, each task carries an equal number of points regardless of difficulty. The correct answer is indicated by entering one of the 8 provided responses.

  4. There are no negative points.

  5. The total solving time is 40 minutes.

Additional useful resources

Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Amazing Reddit resource: ranking of free online Mensa IQ tests

Most of the links were collected from these forums and discussions:

Solving Strategies

date 25. Nov 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Lifestyle » Online Mensa IQ Tests