Diet & Supplements

Diet & Supplements


  • Protein: pre (možda i ne) i odmah posle treninga - Whey protein Ne sa mlekom - uspori absorbciju whey-a. Samo sa vodom - neposredno nakon treninga. Uz whey posle treninga ide i glukoza - jako bitna jer podiže insulin koji pomaže da proteini idu direktno u mišiće?

  • Protein: pred spavanje - Casein

  • Kreatin. Uzima se opet isključivo sa vodom, pred trening.

Ustvari, nikada se ništa ne uzima sa mlekom. Dakle, mleko - nikako, ali nije to tragedija - samo usporava apsorpciju.

Uzroci svih problema:

  • Testesterone deficiency Suplementi: 1 - ZMA, 2 - Tribulus (Tribestan), 3 - razno

  • Protein Deficiency Signs: Lazy, Excessive Sleeping, Hair loss, Constant Craving (unstable blood sugar), Low Energy, Moodiness, Slow wound healing. Solution: two large whey protein powder shakes and add significantly more protein to diet.

Diet / Ishrana

Mišići ne rastu u teretani - možete provesti koliko god želite vremena u teretani, ali ako sve to ne podržite dobrom ishranom, nećete napredovati.

Kako, koliko i koji dodatak prehrani? Suplementi (Dodaci prehrani)

Surutka se sigurno najbrže upija u mišiće, tu nema priče. Tačno je da od svih belančevinskih izvora najbrže garantuje potrebne aminokiseline gladnim mišićima; ali isto tako najbrže napusti telo.

Ako želimo da očuvamo telo u konstantnom stanju anabolizma (mišićne rasti), moraju kroz naš krvotok stalno kružiti što veće količine kvalitetnih aminokiselina.

Surutka je zbog svog brzog delovanja nepogrešiva neposredno posle telesne aktivnosti. A pošto mi želimo telo da snabdevamo sa aminokiselinama postepeno tokom celog dana, kazein predstavlja nesumnjivo najuspešniji belančevinski izvor, koji to garantuje.

Kazein sa svojim postepenim oslobađanjem ostaje u telu neverovatnih 7 sati – savršen obrok pre spavanja.

Dobro osmišljen režim prehrane mora sadržavati oba proteina u odnosu 5:2 u korist whey-a.

Sve što trebate znati o proteinima

Whey protein

Dodaci Ishrani/Suplementi

  • Za početnika je svaki whey dobar
  • Unos proteina - oko 2g po kilogramu težine (za decu oko 1.1gr/kg = 0.5 gr/pound)
  • Whatever the brand you choose, buy whey only. No mass gainers with added sugars.

Supplements You Need To Build Muscle & Strength

Cheap and good one

Izgleda je firma “The Nutrition” najjeftinija, a odlična (“The Whey 80%”). Slovenačka firma: THE Nutrition, kod nas prodaje Ogistra nutrition shop iz Bačke Palanke.

  • THE Amino Whey Hydro 3500gr za 6540 din (oko 1800 din/kg), 90% proteina


Buy Creatine Monohydrate in powder form. Don’t buy liquid creatine, you’ll waste money. Creatine is not stable for long periods in liquid form.


Zašto riblje ulje?

  • Fish Oil Can Help You Build Muscle: It’s Anabolic
  • Because of the support for positive mood - helps support the levels of serotonin in the body

Five Reasons Fish Oil Will Make You Stronger 3 Reasons Why You Need Fish Oil

Testesterone booster / ZMA?

ZMA je najblaža varijanta, kombinacija cinka, magnezijuma i vitamina B6 - prirodni podsticaj, samim tim nije nikakva “hemija”.

The Benefits Of ZMA: More Than A Sleep Supplement

It’s critical that you do not take ZMA with any food, particularly food rich in calcium, like dairy. Both zinc and magnesium are poorly absorbed when taken with food.

Be sure that it lists ZMA from SNAC Systems on the label. Anything else is not true ZMA.

Tribestan: Tribulus Terrestris

Effects of Tribulus Terrestris

Šta koristiti: whey protein, kreatin. Supplements: zink (testesteron)

proteini - kreatin - testesteronski dodatak Hemotest -

testesterone pills (ustvari: cink i proteine jesti iz jaja, mesa, itd)

Kupi i ove vitamine: Healthy Skin: Vitamin A, Zinc (testesteron), Vitamin C

ima i neka zamena za obrok -



10. nov 2014

Proteini (Whey + Caseine)

  • THE Amino Whey Hydro 3500 gr, Triple chocolate (5926 din)
  • THE Casein 2000 gr , Čokolada (4665 din)

Ukupno: 11690 din - popust = 10591 din


Za moju težinu oko 95 * 2 g/kg ~ 180 g whey proteina odmah posle treninga, a kazeina u odnosu na to 5:2, odnosno oko 80gr pred spavanje.

To znači da će mi ova kupovina potrajati oko 20 dana (whey) i 25 dana (kazein).

Neistina! Ustvari, sve preko jedne doze od 20-30g je bacanje para.

Koliko nam je proteina potrebno posle treninga

The body can only break down 5 to 9 grams of protein per hour.

Za nivo seratonina, ide biljka Mucuna Pruriens, a u pitanju je suplement: DopaBean by Solaray Ili je sve to za dopamin. Nebitno.

Steva kaže da “Ultimate Nutrition” važi za najbolje.

Ali su na najbolje prodavani i najskuplji: Optimum Nutrition

Zaključak: Both are great brands with almost identical profiles.

100% Whey Protein Gold Standard, 2270g Optimum Nutrition | Cena

Whey Protein -

Prodavci u Srbiji

Whey protein Ogistra AMG SS Pr.Sp. Top.Sp x
QNT Delicious Whey Protein, 1kg 3350 din
Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein 1kg 3600 din
————————————————— ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ———–
THE Nutrition AMINO WHEY HYDRO 2.27kg 4600 din
QNT Delicious Whey Protein, 2.2kg 5600 din 5600 din 6200 din
Scitec 100% WHEY Protein 2.35kg 6100 din 6500 din 5000 din
Optimum Nutrition GOLD STANDARD 100% WHEY, 2.27kg 6900 din 7200 din 6400 din 3000 din/kg
Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein 2.39kg 7200 din 7200 din 7990 din 3150 din/kg
Caseine Ogistra AMG SS Top.Sp
THE Nutrition Casein 2kg 4600 din 2300 din/kg
QNT Protein Casein 92, 0.75kg 3000 din 4000 din/kg
Scitec 100% Casein Complex 2.3 kg 5600 din
Optimum Nutrition CASEIN GOLD STANDARD 1.85kg 6700 din
Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Casein 2.27kg 7650 din 7650 din 8500 din 3370 din/kg

Ultimate Nutrition: Supplement Store, Vojvode Stepe 20

Biotech USA je neka fake firma iz Mađarske. Nikakve veze sa USA nema.

Uvoznik za BioTechUSA je Vitalikum, Novi Sad. Kada sam poručivao shaker od Ogistra-e, dobio sam to.

Radnja u Segedinu koja prodaje našima: Shop.Builder



Ladno su to proteini, ali u tabletama.

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) and EAA (Essential Amino Acids)? Po internetu, treba uzimati kombinovano oba (iako su BCAA baš za bildovanje)

  • Depression!
  • EAA’s can curb hunger and improve metabolism.
  • Hair Loss?


Supplements containing amino acids have also been found to reduce symptoms, as they are converted to neurotransmitters which in turn alleviate depression and other mental health problems.

The neurotransmitter dopamine is made from the amino acid tyrosine and the neurotransmitter serotonin is made from the tryptophan. If there is a lack of any of these two amino acids, there will not be enough synthesis of the respective neurotransmitters, which is associated with low mood and aggression.

Proteins for kids? Yes!

According to KidsHealth, optimal is 0.5 gram of protein per pound of body weight (1.1 gr/kg). There are no known adverse effects in children from consuming too much protein.

Protein Powder for Kids Are Protein Shakes Safe for Children?

Too much protein is usually not a problem in children’s diets, but too little can be.

Are Whey Protein Shakes Safe For Kids?

Component of whey protein, lactoferrin, has potent immune-enhancing and antioxidant properties.

Whey Protein for Kids: Is it Good for Children?

Testesterone boosters for kids? No!

How to Raise Testosterone Levels Naturally (Teen Boys)

Don’t start looking into such supplements until after 21 or so.

About The Protein Market

  • Scitec: Hungarian-based manufacturer Scitec Nutrition Very reputable. They use some of the finest ingredients around. I’ve also emailed Glanbia to make sure Scitec use their CFM WPI. And the response has came back positive.

  • Dymatize: Texas-based nutrition supplements suppliers Dymatize

  • Ultimate Nutrition: Filed for Bankruptcy

Bulking up: European sports nutrition markets condensed European Specialist Sport Nutrition Alliance / ESSNA Members

What to take with what?

Don’t take Calcium at all?

The scientific evidence shows that taking a calcium supplement provides little or no protection against bone fractures, and research now links calcium supplements to increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. I strongly recommend that you get your calcium from food, eating one or two servings of dairy a day.

Popular supplements that should be taken 30 minutes before or two hours after a meal include the following:

  • Amino acids: Not with food! Although all protein contains amino acids, which are broken down during digestion, individual amino acid supplements—when taken with food—will compete with protein for absorption. Common ones include branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) for building muscles.

  • Iron: Booster: Vitamin C. Blocker: Calcium (doses over 500 mg can decrease iron absorption from supplements by 35 to 50%) High doses of zinc or copper, coffee, tea, and soy

  • Magnesium: Booster: Iron and magnesium supplements should be taken at the same time for maximum effect. Blocker: Large doses of calcium. Calcium and magnesium will compete for absorption in doses higher than 250 mg.

  • Zinc: not on empty stomach Taking zinc on an empty stomach often causes nausea and even abdominal pain Zinc for colds: The final word?

  • Calcium: Calcium competes with many medications for absorption in the gut (also antibiotics) Space them two to four hours apart from one another Blocker: large doses of magnesium, zinc, and phosphate

  • Vitamins A, D, E, K: These are fat-soluble vitamins Best taken with a meal that provides some fat for their absorption, but they can also be taken in softgel or oil form.

  • Niacin (Niagen?), B6, B12 Blockers: Zinc, Coffee, Vitamin C >500mg, Iron, Aspirin

  • Vitamin D! More like 8000 IU for me? but no more than 10000 IU Data showed that 70-80 IU/day/kg of body weight total input is needed. Why does the Vitamin D Council recommend 5,000 IU/day? According to the Vitamin D council, the best kind of supplement to take is Vitamin D3.

    No other nutrient, drug, or hormone has gained more scientific credibility than vitamin D. Insufficient vitamin D is linked to virtually every age-related disorder including cancer, vascular disease, and chronic inflammation. Adults (and children) with higher vitamin D levels contract substantially fewer cold, flu, and other viral infections.

    Startling Findings About Vitamin D Levels in Life Extension Members

    Vitamin D doses also pause the production of melatonin. Vitamin D supplement is best absorbed when taken with food containing fat, and that’s the largest meal of the day for most people

    Vitamin D and Zinc are both excellent supplements for skin and are safe to be taken together.

Perfect match!

  • Fish Oil + CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) Great heart health support combo. CoQ10 is fat soluble and fish oil needs antioxidant protection

  • Iron + Vitamin C

  • Iron + Magnesium Good Sources of Selenium & Magnesium

Most of the vitamins are water-soluble and can dissolve in the watery environments of our bodies, such as the blood.


  1. Iron + Magnesium + Vitamin C

A Guide To Timing Supplement Intake - Labdoor Magazine

A Guide to Optimising Vitamins and Supplements

MORNING • Iron: Best taken in the morning, on empty stomach. Calcium is a major inhibitor of iron absorptions, so make sure you don’t take these two together. • Vitamin C: Vitamin C only lasts a few hours in the bloodstream, so it’s best taken in split doses throughout the day. Start in the morning and take the remainder later in the day. • B Vitamins: Take them first thing with breakfast to boost and maintain energy levels. • Vitamin E: This is best absorbed when dietary fats are present, for example, milk in cereal, nuts, yogurt or avocado.

MORNING / AFTERNOON • Coenzyme Q10: Oil based CoQ10 supplements are better absorbed when dietary fats are present, ideally taken with breakfast or lunch to avoid any influences on sleep. • Zinc: Take Zinc in the afternoon with food, as it can cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach. Avoid taking it at the same time with calcium and iron. • Iodine: Iodine cannot be stored within the body, so a regular intake is needed. Some studies have suggested iodine increases energy levels, so take this for a boost at midday.

AFTERNOON / EVENING • Vitamin D: Best taken with a meal and better absorbed if dietary fats are present. Some studies have found it to have negative influences on sleep, so take this earlier in the afternoon. • Vitamin K: Best taken with a meal and better absorbed if dietary fats are present. Can be taken at any time during the day, but is best taken with vitamin D, Calcium and vitamin C. • Fish Oil: Best taken with a meal to aid absorption.

EVENING / NIGHT • Calcium: Calcium is best utilized at night. • Magnesium: Magnesium aids sleep, so take it before going to bed. • Probiotics: Best taken with water on empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before meals to minimize interaction with digestive enzymes.

5 Tips for taking daily vitamins and supplements

  1. Prefer to have your vitamins and supplements with water or orange juice and avoid hot drinks and caffeine, as it can interfere with absorptions and increase the loss of minerals from the body.
  2. Keep your supplements in a cool, dry, dark place.
  3. If you miss a dose, don’t double up. Just take it at the next scheduled time.
  4. Never exceed the recommended dose on the packaging, unless advised by your nutritional practitioner or doctor.
  5. Always check with your doctor if you are taking medication to ensure there are no contraindications. See complete infographic below. Click twice on the image to expand it.

Supplement Schedule

  1. 08-10h (empty stomach):

    • Iron + Magnesium + Vitamin C (no coffee & no proteins for iron)
    • Niagen + Pterostilbene (Anti-Age)
  2. 12-14h (empty stomach):

    • Multivitamin + Omega-3 Fish Oil + CoQ10
  3. 16-18h (with food):

    • EyesAlive (Lutein) + Zink (Immuno) + Vitamin D3 + Ginkgo Biloba (Brain) + Chromium
    • Sunflower Lecithin (no fat buildup)
  4. 20-24h (bedtime, no food or whatever):

    • Vitamin K2 & K1 (in leafy food, healthy)
    • L-Carnosine (Anti-Age) + Acetyl L-Carnitine (Brain) + Resveratrol (Anti-Age)


  • Garcinia Cambogia (carb blocker): only for weight Loss, hour before meal
  • Folic Acid & B-12 (Energy Boost?): except for B-12, there is the same in multivitamin

No need:

  • ZMA (Zink & Magnesium): Bedtime ~23h, just sometimes
  • Vitamin A: as exact amount is in multivitamin

Should be scheduled:

  • Sunflower Lecithin (with food), fat-burning & prevent fat buildup

    One of the greatest benefits of taking sunflower lecithin is its ability to break down fat within the body. For years, this substance has been used to help fight high cholesterol levels by preventing the buildup of fats, especially in the walls around the heart, veins, and arteries. Difference Between Lecithin and Soy Lecithin

    …other ingredients become more nutritious when they’re blended with lecithin.

    Lecithin: The Ultimate Guide

  • Vitamin K (with water), arteries, insulin sensitivity, bones (no K vitamin in multivitamin)

  • Vitamin A (with water, no need), immune system & eyes (exactly 10000 IU is in multivitamin, so don’t duplicate) No need to take!

  • Folic Acid & B-12 (with water, sporadicly), Energy Boost? Skin, hair growth? Cardiovascular health and healthy red blood cell production

    Folic acid helps your body produce and maintain new cells, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer.

    Lemon Contains Folic Acid

Iron problem?

Iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world Source: WHO

Great article: Iron Supplements Explained


We have two main problems with iron:

  1. Low absorption of non-heme iron. Avoid heme iron for other problems.
  2. Coffee additionally inhibits absorption of non-heme iron

Heme vs Non-Heme: Iron is found in food in two forms, heme and non-heme iron.

Heme Iron

Heme iron is well absorbed (meat has 40% of it, plants 0%)

Better absorption of 30%. But increased risk of heart disease or even cancer?

Heme iron, the type found predominantly in blood and muscle, is absorbed better than the non-heme iron that predominates in plants, but may increase the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.

Non-Heme Iron

Non-heme iron is less well absorbed. Non-heme is 60% of iron in animal meat and 100% of iron in plants.

Low absorption of 2.9% on an empty stomach and 0.9% when taken with food. But as it is safe, stick with it. My Ferrous Fumarate pill of 18mg I get 0.6mg? … not sure in that: Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Iron


Ascorbic acid (also known as vitamin C) is the most effective enhancer, but certain proteins like whey and casein found in milk, and egg proteins inhibit non-heme iron.

Overload is dangerous

Both iron deficiency and overload can make you tired so self diagnosis is definitely not recommended.

As much as we need iron to grow, so do microorganisms. People with a lot of free iron floating around are generally more susceptible to bacterial infections and other related diseases like diabetes, Alzeheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

Pottasium = Kalijum

Muscle Tightness: Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc & Potassium

Pottasium Citrate

Empiric use of potassium citrate reduces kidney-stone incidence with the ketogenic diet.

Kidney stones are an adverse event with the ketogenic diet. Oral potassium citrate is an effective preventive supplement against kidney stones in children who receive the KD, achieving its goal of urine alkalinization.

No! Just drink enough water!

Used for Urinary Alkalinization.

Potassium Citrate

Because of diarrhea, take potassium during a meal or within 30 minutes after eating. Do not lie down for 10 minutes after taking this medication. Do not take this medication on an empty stomach.

No special interaction with other vitamins; OK to take with magnesium, zinc or iron or anything else.

Kalijum Citrat:

Potassium Chloride vs. Potassium Citrate

Potassium Chloride vs. Potassium Citrate

  • Potassium citrate is an alkalizing agent. It is used when your urine is too acidic.
  • Potassium chloride is a form of potassium for people who have low levels of potassium, also known as hypokalemia. Certain diseases or medications can cause potassium levels to drop to unsafe levels. A prolonged bout of vomiting or diarrhea can also cause hypokalemia.

Sodium Bicarbonate / Soda-bikarbona

Usual Adult Dose for Urinary Alkalinization: 325 to 2000 mg orally 1 to 4 times a day.

Efficacy of urine alkalinization by oral administration of sodium bicarbonate Oral administration of a standard dose of sodium bicarbonate tablets resulted in effective urine alkalinization.


Totally blocks everything else. Best to use at night, as we need to space it two to four hours apart from another omst of other supplements.

Milk? Diary? None!

Here’s the problem with dairy products: they are so highly acidifying that they actually result in a net loss of calcium. In addition, cow’s milk contains somatic cells, antibiotic residue, pesticides, and growth hormone even if it’s not added by the dairy farmer (it is naturally present in milk to aid in the growth of calves).

3 Tricks To Check If You’re Calcium Deficient

It’s crucial that the supplement you choose be bioavailable and easily absorbed.

Best Way to Take Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium

Type of calcium: If the supplement contains calcium citrate, you can take it with or without food. If the supplement contains calcium carbonate, take it with food.

Calcium is absorbed most efficiently when it’s taken in amounts of 500 milligrams (mg) or less at one time.

Take your calcium supplements at a different time from your multivitamin or an iron-rich meal. Calcium may not be absorbed as well if it’s taken at the same time as iron, zinc or magnesium.

Calcium supplements: When should they be taken? - Mayo Clinic


Just to know: MitoQ is like better CoQ10

Joint Health

For Konstantin.

Bilo koji proizvod koji u sebi sadrzi glukozamin (Glucosamine), hondroitin (Chondroitin) i metil-sulfonil-metan (MSM) ce pomoci u oporavku. Naravno moras to piti u kontinuitetu 2, 3 meseca da bi osetio neko poboljsanje.

One of the major limitations of most joint health supplements is that they can take a long time to produce results—more than eight weeks in many cases. FruiteX-B has been shown to deliver significant results in as little as seven days, with additional benefits over two weeks.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E deficiencies are rare and it is almost never caused by a poor diet.

Vitamin E Evidence - Mayo Clinic

Vitamin E and Leg Cramps.

Quick-Fix Solutions For Common Complaints | Wellbella Leg Cramps (Systremma) and “Restless Legs” Syndrome — Response to Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

Diabetes? What Causes Leg Cramps?


What Causes Cramps?

Vitamin K

  • helps to prevent hardening of the arteries
  • improves insulin sensitivity

Just like with vitamin D, nearly everyone is deficient in vitamin K. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Recommend for supplementation is vitamin K2, which is natural and not toxic, at even 500 times the RDA. I suggest 150 mcg daily of vitamin K2.

Vitamin K

There are two subsets of vitamin K2: MK-4, and MK-7. MK-4 is the kind shown to produce the most benefit, but MK-7 is still important. You should consume a total of at least 2,000mcg per day of K2, at least 100mcg of which should be the MK-7 form.

Vitamin A

Facts About Vitamin A

… immune system health. It also helps the skin and mucous membranes repel bacteria and viruses more effectively. It is essential to healthy vision also.


Having too little copper (copper deficiency) is rare. It sometimes occurs in people who get too much zinc from diet or supplements.

It helps your body make red blood cells and keeps nerve cells and your immune system healthy.

No need. I have no symptoms: Why Heavy Metal Is Good for You

Final Word on Supplements

Here are the ten nutrients (almost) everyone should supplement with:

  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin K2 (prevents atherosclerosis and heart attacks, and strengthens bones. min 2000mcg per day of K2)
  • Vitamin C
  • Iodine
  • Krill Oil (same but better than fish oil Omega-3)
  • Vitamin A (you can’t get vitamin A from plants, 10000-15000 IU / day)
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Copper (1mg/day, this is worrying since less than 1mg per day is enough to cause heart attacks. Good sources of copper include cocoa.)
  • Folic Acid with B12 (Most people are deficient in B12) Note: Use Folate, not Folic Acid -

Optimize Your Supplements!


  • iHerb DHL Global Mail is free? Sometimes! For my Niagen it is! iHerb is very well known for inexpensive international shipping. Vitacost vs iHerb iHerb offer 10% off the first offer. Have great affiliate program: Rewards

  • Vitacost Using DHL Global Mail: Flat Rate of $9.99 up to 3.60lbs

  • Bronson Vitamins is old and reliable supplier, but no free international shipping.

I have used Swanson for US shipments, but I don’t see why I should use them for international shipments. For international buyers iHerb is still a good option. Shipping to my country starts at $2, which is really good. I also order from Vitacost. Last time I checked prices from brands like Doctor’s Best and Jarrow don’t differ that much from Swanson. They do have the occasional 10% off coupon.



Swanson Blood Sugar Essentials Blood Sugar Blues? Balancing Act - Blog -

  1. Chromium Picolinate

  2. Alpha lipoic acid in R form R-Alpha-lipoic acid - used in the body to break down carbohydrates and to make energy for the other organs in the body Natural lipoic acid is R-Alpha lipoic acid. treat diabetes and diabetes-related conditions (polyneuropathy) Natural ALA, referred to as R-lipoic acid or (R)-ALA

  3. Magnesium?

  4. Biotin? Thiamin? A Quick Guide to Biotin - Blog -

  5. Other: true cinnamon, fenugreek seed,

  • SupplementShop prodaje Swanson u Srbiji?

  • ima baš sve od Now Foods i mislim da su ekskluzivni uvoznici. Oko 10% su jeftiniji od Supplement Store (Vojvode Stepe) ali su oko 5 puta skuplji od US Nigde u Srbiji nije jeftinije (ponegde je skoro ista cena)

Moja kupovina Nov 2020


Privremeno da rešim potencijalni nedostatak nečega

Vitamin B12

Research has shown that methylcobalamin is more efficiently used and retained in the body than the cyanocobalamin form.

NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cystein)

Vitamin D3

US suppliers: 120 din / 100k (~ 5 puta jeftinije)

Vitamin K2

ZMA = Zinc + Magnesium + B6

Typical serving is: Zinc ~ 30mg, Magnesium ~ 450mg, B6 ~ 11mg

Chromium Picolinate



USA shippings:

  • iHerb ~ $8 fixed rate
  • Vitacost ~ $10 fixed rate (I’ve ordered here as I’ve had 20% discount)
  • Swanson ~ min $17 to $25
date 09. Jun 2018 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Health » Supplements