Disable the USB autosuspend feature
Zigbee2MQTT crashes after some time FAQ | Zigbee2MQTT
Disable the USB autosuspend feature, if cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend returns 1 or 2 it is enabled; to disable execute:
vi /mnt/boot/cmdline.txt
and add usbcore.autosuspend=-1
to the end of the line.
Pomislio sam da ima previše Zigbee poruka, pošto se javljalo baš mnogo
MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/LED Dining', payload '{"linkquality":160,"state":"OFF"}'
To se rešava tako što isključiš log, ali ni to nije bilo razlog.
onda sam pokušao da smanjim reporting interval za device:
Configure Reporting Interval
MQTT Configure Reporting command to a device
Malo više informacije o tome na issue #9367
If you’re unsure on the endpoint you can always check the cluster tab in the frontend.
Probao sam i da se vratim na Conbee II i to je radilo ali kilavo. Moj device ima firmware 0x26780700, a poslednji na Index of /deconz-firmware/ je 0x26780700 iz 15-May-2022
I ovo mi se govno desilo od greške: Error: Failure send addTransientLinkKey
U nekom sam trenutku skinuo sve što ima veze sa HACS.
Removing all HACS modules:
- hacs
- dahua
- candy | AppDaemon | Remove script from inside AppDaemon UI
- xiaomi_vacuum | Xiaomi Vacuum STYTJ01ZHM
- webrtc | WebRTC Camera + Add-in in Hass.io
- smartir
- hass_agent | HASS.Agent + Add-in in Hass.io
- localtuya | Local Tuya
- dash_cast | DashCast + Add-in in Hass.io
- local_luftdaten | Local Luftdaten Sensor
- alexa_media | Alexa Media Player + Add-in in Hass.io
- tuya_ble | Tuya BLE
- xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor | Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor
- wasp_in_a_box | AppDaemon
Hassio Addins:
- iBeacon Tracker
Fixing AppDaemon after upgrading to v0.15.x - James Ridgway Building custom Home Assistant integrations with Python - James Ridgway
in /config/custom_components/candy https://github.com/ofalvai/home-assistant-candy
Location of MySQL data files on dockerized Home Assistant
For anyone that stumbles on this, if you are using Home Assistant OS and have set up host SSH access on port 22222 (For anyone that’s not familiar you have to generate and add an ssh public key to gain access to the host ssh) the MariaDB files are stored here: /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/core_mariadb
Tried to use 5GHz WiFi na RPi3
Jednostavno ne vidi 5GHz channele, a za to treba podesiti country code. Iako ima nekoliko boljih načina da se to obavi, objašnjeni ovde: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/issues/785#issuecomment-825058951 ali na kraju je nađen workaround objašnjen: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/issues/1530#issuecomment-945191688
Logovan na host, izmeni:
vi /mnt/boot/cmdline.txt
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 cfg80211.ieee80211_regdom=US
Stara vrednost je kod mene bila, sa gomilom
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 usb-storage.quirks=174c:55aa:u,2109:0715:u,152d:0578:u,152d:0579:u,152d:1561:u,174c:0829:u,14b0:0206:u,174c:225c:u
a ovde je objašnjeno šta to “174c:225c:u” znači: https://smitchell.github.io/how-to-bind-to-the-right-usb-storage-driver
Zatim u CLI možeš videti koje mreže vidi tvoj WiFi adapter:
nmcli device wifi rescan nmcli device wifi nmcli radio all
Kroz običan terminal: apk add iw iw list iw list channel
iw reg get iw phy phy0 reg get
cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
Can’t change: https://wimsworld.wordpress.com/2019/09/15/5ghz-wifi-on-raspberry-pi-4/
Najbolja dokumentacija:
operating-system/Documentation/README.md at dev · home-assistant/operating-system
You can manual add, edit or remove connections configurations from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections