

Pocesiranje URL ustvari uopšte nije lako, jer se ne zna štra “main domain” i nije uvek posledni part, na primer co.uk Modern API to process URIs in PHP

Markdown to HTML and vice versa, in PHP

thephpleague/commonmark: Highly-extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark and GFM specs. thephpleague/html-to-markdown: Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP

web-push-libs/web-push-php: Web Push library for PHP used in Perfecty Push Notifications on repo perfectyorg/perfecty-push-wp: WordPress plugin for self-hosted Web Push Notifications ⚡️

webfactory/slimdump: A tool for creating configurable dumps of large MySQL-databases.

PHP HTML DOM Parsing Libraries

Easiest / Fastest DOM Parsing Library : r/PHP

sunra/php-simple-html-dom-parser: PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser adaptation for Composer and PSR-0 symfony/dom-crawler: Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents paquettg/php-html-parser: An HTML DOM parser. It allows you to manipulate HTML. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.

dimabdc/PHP-Fast-Simple-HTML-DOM-Parser: Fast and low mamory usage HTML DOM Parser with syntax like PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.

DOMDocument ivopetkov/html5-dom-document-php: A better HTML5 parser for PHP.

wasinger/htmlpagedom: jQuery-inspired DOM manipulation extension for Symfony’s Crawler Rct567/DomQuery: PHP library for easy ‘jQuery like’ DOM traversing and manipulation.

ressio/pharse: Fastest PHP HTML Parser

softius/php-cross-domain-proxy: PHP Proxy for Cross Domain Requests

jeremykendall/php-domain-parser: Public Suffix List based domain parsing implemented in PHP

LookingGlass is a PHP script that offers a web interface for executing network commands like traceroute and ping from a server; real demo at ETH-Services Looking Glass.

Aggregating time-series data with PHP

PHP library is thephpleague/statsd: A library for working with StatsD.

StatsD, What It Is is daemon for easy stats aggregation. On flush interval (default 10 seconds) stats are aggregated and sent to an upstream backend service.

[PHP] How to handle a fatal error

date 01. Jan 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: » Tempo » PHP