Tempo Snippets

Tempo Snippets


Hreflang Tag Generator Tool by @aleyda Use hreflang for language and regional URLs - Search Console Help

Hreflang and SEO: 5 mistakes to avoid

For similar content, adding hreflang tags to your site will help Google recognize and understand the country and language’s target of your page, but it won’t help search engines decide which version of a content is the best for a query on search results.

Let’s say you have two pages in the same language targeting different zones such as French in France and French in Belgium, the content of those two pages may be so similar that they are considered duplicates. Adding hreflang tags will not help. It is still possible that your French page may outrank your Belgium page, if the French page has more link authority, and especially if it has links from French sources.

Hreflang helps Google to understand your content but to offer an effective international marketing strategy, you need to include link building to your sites from relevant countries/language you are targeting to leverage the value of your international versions.

You should then treat duplicate content as a serious issue and stop thinking hreflang tags will help you solve this problem.

Old Yoast SEO had in Premium version this shortcode for HTML sitemap: [wpseo_sitemap authors=no archives=no] The latest versions doesn’t support it anymore.

What was sending email SPAM on Server

Linux Malware Detect - R-fx Networks Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD) – KB.IWEB.COM https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/how-to-install-maldet-and-run-a-scan/

cd /usr/local/src/ && wget http://www.rfxn.com/downloads/maldetect-current.tar.gz && tar -xzvf maldetect-current.tar.gz && rm maldetect-current.tar.gz
cd maldetect-* && sh install.sh


# Update with
maldet -d && maldet -u

# Basic scan
maldet -a /var/www/


https://serverfault.com/questions/483650/how-to-find-which-script-on-my-server-is-sending-spam-emails https://serverfault.com/questions/457340/how-to-log-the-ip-addresses-trying-to-connect-to-a-port

  • Processes using port 25: lsof -i:25
  • PID to process name: ps -fp PID
  • Kill processes with force: kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:25)

unix - How to kill a process running on particular port in Linux? - Stack Overflow

Chkrootkit, Lynis (formerly rkhunter ~ Rootkit Hunter), ISPProtect, ClamAV

Three tools to scan a Linux server for Malware and Rootkits ISPProtect malware and outdated web software scanner - ISPProtect

linux - How to log the ip addresses trying to connect to a port? - Server Fault

On which Teams are you on? Find your team | Slack

Furniture & woodworking

Values how much should I left when designing furniture:


1.5mm on every side of door (total of 3mm) 10mm every Shelf is

LED Strips Explained

How to cut, connect & power LED Strip Lighting - YouTube

  • Smanji za po 1mm
  • LED diode mesto napravi

Artifical Inteligence

TensorFlow Urban Sound Classification - Urban Sound Classification with Neural Networks in Tensorflow


https://apps.ankiweb.net/ https://www.memrise.com/courses/english/history-geography/ https://www.memrise.com/course/1164821/mnemonics/

Branding, meetups and shit

itserbia.rs serbia.org.rs


Copy messages from other channels

Copy messages between Slack channels - Slack and Slack Integrations - Zapbook - Zapier

Archieving all messages

SlackArchive.io - Public chat archive for your Slack team Slarck - A place to keep your valuable conversations docmarionum1/slack-archive-bot: A bot that will archive your slack messages and make them searchable. No more 10,000 message search limit. Backupery for Slack - Backupery



MOOC Aggregators

In Europe?


Key Collector — the professional keyword research tool

Pravilan posture. Kada stojiš, guraš pete jedna prema drugoj, pa se dupe učvrtsi. Dupe je ključ. Ona TED talk.

Neka razmišljanja u vezi Search Console SPAM-a

Ej! A da napravim da sve nepostojeći 301 na stranu koja nema status 404, ali da izgleda isto kao 404. Ali normalno - status 200 Sent on:3/9 To zadovoljava sve kriterijue I usere ne zbunjuje, i jebe sve spamere. Mislim da je to - to!Neka strana https://save-up.ch/404

Ne, jer je to Soft 404, pa onda ništa nisam postigao.

Iako google kaže ovako:

Returning a code other than 404 or 410 for a non-existent page (or redirecting users to another page, such as the homepage, instead of returning a 404) can be problematic. Firstly, it tells search engines that there’s a real page at that URL. As a result, that URL may be crawled and its content indexed. Because of the time Googlebot spends on non- existent pages, your unique URLs may not be discovered as quickly or visited as frequently and your site’s crawl coverage may be impacted (also, you probably don’t want your site to rank well for the search query [File not found]).


Even better Guetzli image optimization:

Research Blog: Announcing Guetzli: A New Open Source JPEG Encoder pnggauntlet Zopfli - Google Search Zopfli Optimization: Literally Free Bandwidth pngout vs pngwolf-zopfli pingo, a fast image optimizer optimization - webdev Caesium | Free Image Compression Tool Performance Tools | CSS-Tricks Caesium | Free Image Compression Tool ParkMind | Find where you parked Zopfli & ZopfliPNG KrzYmod- Page 2 pingo, a fast image optimizer Getting the Most Out of PNG Bloggers: Know when to use a JPG and when to use a PNG and always Squish them both - Scott Hanselman

Testiranje slanja emaila

Works: mailsend -to cvladan@gmail.com -from aleksandar.obradovic@buha.rs -ssl -port 465 -auth -smtp cpanel34.orion.rs -sub “Test from mailsend” -M “This is a test” -v -user aleksandar.obradovic@buha.rs -pass “BoskoBuha2014”

Also this via hMailServer mailsend -to cvladan@gmail.com -from aleksandar.obradovic@buha.rs -smtp -port 25 -sub “Test via hMailServer” -M “This is a latest test” -v

Custom Functions in WP Import All

Function Editor:


function slugify($text, $delimiter = '-') {
  $url = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $text);
  $url = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_|+ -]/", '', $url);
  $url = strtolower(trim($url, '-'));
  $url = preg_replace("/[\/_|+ -]+/", $delimiter, $url);
  return $url;

function slugify_product_image_filename($title, $sku) {
  return slugify($title) . '_' . slugify($sku);


And use it like this:


function set_voucher_status($link) { return ‘draft’; }


function prepare_tracking_link($link) { $result = ‘mudo-’ . $link; return $result; }

Coffitivity alternatives:

Listen to Smooth Jazz and Rain Sounds - JazzAndRain.com Listen to Ambient Sounds and Music With Timer - Deepfocus.io

SEO Webinar oko Outreach

… ako su mu bitni relationships, pogledaš neki komentar pametan na koji je on odgovorio i pomeneš kao da si ga ti pisao nekada (samo pazi da mu nije prijatelj)

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks by Leil Lowndes Part 2 - YouTube How to Seduce Anyone | The Art of Seduction Animation Notes - YouTube 25 Psychological TRICKS That Really Do WORK - YouTube How to Persuade Anyone - The 25 Cognitive Biases by Charlie Munger - YouTube How to Cold Read People and Become Psychic - YouTube How to Flirt Without Being Creepy - YouTube

Zašto sami vodimo svoju Facebook stranicu? | MILICA ČALIJA blog What I Learned Working With Jony Ive’s Team On The Apple Watch The Organized Chaos Approach To Scaling A Team The Impatient Programmer’s Guide to Learning – Hacker Noon Introduction to Week 1 - The Power of Colour - KLC School of Design Detect: Shops without text on save-up.ch | Trello Should You Listen to Music While Studying, The Pi Model and Learning How to Learn w/ Dr. Barbara Oakley RANDOM MEMORY TIPS #005 // FOREIGN WORDS - YouTube Rules of memory ‘beautifully’ rewritten - BBC News What is cord cutting? | Plex for Cord Cutters MapD Open Sources GPU-Powered Database | Linux.com | The source for Linux information Why burpees and jumping rope are best workouts - Business Insider

Domaći Eipix izbacuje svoju prvu VR igru — Althora dostupna na Oculus Store-u - startit Kreatori i alati: Aco Gagić, web developer - startit Kreatori i alati: Jelena Keravica, front-end developerka - startit Kreatori i alati — Anja Radoičić, menadžerka projekata - startit Kreatori i alati: Nikola Ristić, front-end developer - startit Kako se spremiti za posao product menadžera i kako zaposliti taj profil? - startit Antipaterni — Loše prakse kojima kočimo softverske projekte - startit Startapi, izbegavajte “metrike sujete” - startit Uvod u MVC dizajn patern - startit Kreatori i alati: Aleksandar Savković, WordPress developer - startit Kako da testirate svoju biznis ideju koristeći WordPress - startit Kako analizirati sposobnost sajta da se pozicionira u rezultatima pretrage - startit Šta je skriveni internet i kako mu pristupiti koristeći TOR - startit Kako do prakse i posla u IT kompaniji — Šta domaće firme najviše cene kod kandidata - startit Domaći open source projekat Claudia.js dostigao 50 hiljada preuzimanja - startit Kako i odakle samostalno učiti programiranje - startit What I Learned From Going On 50+ Interviews (Including Google, Microsoft & Twitter) | Austin Belcak | Pulse | LinkedIn

3 tricks I used to turn my terrible résumé around - Business Insider 7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Whole Body in Just 4 Weeks 10 Free Tools to Improve Your Life in Less Than a Day (Yes, Really) | Inc.com Living with an Eating Disorder Called Exercise Bulimia - What Is Exercise Bulimia? Using Bullish Candlestick Patterns To Buy Stocks | Investopedia We Overcommit Because We Don’t Want to Disappoint. But Then We Disappoint Because We’re Overcommitted Addy Osmani: The Browser Hackers Guide To Instantly Loading Everything | JSConf EU 2017 - YouTube Trending Add-ons :: Collections :: Add-ons for Firefox OOCSS - The Future of Writing CSS Gorgias - A multi-channel helpdesk integrated with your back-office Top 15 Free Website Speed Test Tools The 6 best WordPress tools for your affiliate marketing site - The Payoneer Blog New! Payoneer helps sellers pay UK/EU VAT seamlessly - The Payoneer Blog The myth of self-control - Vox This Is How To Be Productive: 4 Secrets From The Stoics - Barking Up The Wrong Tree Stop procrastinating by adopting the five-minute rule — Quartz Your Ultimate Guide for Learning Any Skill Faster and Better How to Become the Best in the World at What You Do – Thrive Global The purpose of life is to be a nobody — Quartz iSerbia - Koji si ti tip studenta na fakultetu? Kako zaposliti strance u Srbiji — Kompletan vodič kroz birokratiju pribavljanja dozvole za rad - startit Lodash is JS library


EFSET® Certificate - Start the test The official EFSET® English test The History of the English Language, Animated – Brain Pickings

Meri bateriju

How can we measure a battery’s real capacity in Mah or ah accurately? - Quora How to measure the capacity of a powerbank - YouTube

Moj uređaj meri kapacitet automatski - preračunava. Samo ako su potrebne voltaže različite - tada samo izračunaj i preračunaj preko Wh da proveriš fabričke navode.


Developing Android Apps - Udacity Android Basics: User Interface - Udacity Make Your Own Card - Courses / Android For Beginners - Udacity Discussion Forum


SEO tehnička znanja | Nenad Pantelić SeoTools for Excel

Konstantin kao 3D animator ili …

Snimanje filmova. Movie making. Camera.

I was just kidding about the “Don’t become an animator” thing, if you’re passionate about this, go for it!! Don’t listen to me.

date 30. Nov 2017 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: 2017-11-30 Tempo Snippets 2017-Q3