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Home Assistant Problems

Odličan node.js script kao file manager, editor and console Cloud Commander with repo at coderaiser/cloudcmd: ✨☁️📁✨ Cloud Commander file manager for the web with console and editor..

Savršeno! Woow browserless/chrome: The browserless Chrome service in Docker. Run on our cloud, or bring your own.

a ima i hassio addon za to: hassio-addons/browserless_chrome at master · alexbelgium/hassio-addons

Ah, to je prevara na Aliexpress

Samsung 980 PRO PCIe® 4.0 interface and backward compatible for PCIe® 3.0 The 980 PRO comes in a compact M.2 2280 form factor, Connector je Key-M, not NGFF SATA

Moj Vostro: M.2 2280, Gen 3 PCIe x4 NVMe, Class 40 SSD Znači, može!

Dell XPS 15 9560 - SSD Solid State Drive M.2 NVME, 2280 NVMe Not compatible with PCle gen 4, only gen 3. Može!

How To Name Your CSS Components? - Pagepro

Vrlo interesantno. Naime, postoje js scripti koji skidaju ružne UTM codes sa URL-a nakon što korisnik dođe na vaš sajt.

wistia/fresh-url: Drop this script on your page and enjoy the freshest of URLs

MethodGrab/ga-clean-urls: A plugin for Google Analytics to remove UTM query strings from URLs

Oba su malo starija pa se nadam da ću naći nešto savremeniji kod, iako vidim da je to ustvari 4 linije koda.

A evo ga još kraći: Remove UTM parameters from URL after Google Analytics hit

Expose kompletnu bazu kroz jedan API endpoint

boxybird/wordpress-wp-query-rest-api: Query anything you want from the WordPress database using a single REST API endpoint. aucor/wp_query-route-to-rest-api: Adds new route /wp-json/wp_query/args/ to WordPress REST API

The World’s Largest Mockup Library Make Mockups, Logos, Videos and Designs in Seconds

Ovo je super, nginx playground ali su i ostali projekti ovde wizard zines baš interesantnni

a može baš ručno: Konfigurisanje nginx, ručno, za više virtual hosts odnsono sajtova na njemu:

Just use ngnix and this nginxconfig.io - NGINXConfig | DigitalOcean

wp db export db-backup.sql –allow-root wp db import db-new.sql –allow-root wp search-replace ‘https://www.cnc24.com’ ‘https://cnc.s.savioko.com’ –allow-root –all-tables

wp search-replace ‘cnc.p.savioko.com’ ‘cncparts24.com’ –all-tables –report-changed-only –allow-root –export=exported.sql

weddy.s.savioko.com weddydb weddyuser FJwzn894CEHPKyaJVwRkk6eMBy4u3dFUhJnkXbB4

mysql -u weddyuser -pFJwzn894CEHPKyaJVwRkk6eMBy4u3dFUhJnkXbB4 weddydb < db.sql

(20) ⚡All ChatGPT Udemy Courses

Zlata vredno: Export media with selected content

Tries to find images related to the post by looking for “attached” (uploaded to) media and it searches the body of the post (the post_content) for image files.

Attachment Files Importer

Attachment Importer sa repo toastedlime/wp-attachment-importer: Imports images from a WordPress XML export file. This is useful if you have many images to import and your server times out while importing using the WordPress Importer plugin. nije ažuran pa ni stoga aktuelan, ali je interesantan u tome da download ustvari obavlja na client strani ako sam dobro shvatio.

Bulk Attachment Download

Cheritto’s Importer

Obavezni pluginovi:

Browser extensions koje barataju sa request headerima

  1. Za izmenu locale

Ovaj je savršen jer to radi na nivou tab-a i cross-browser je. GitHub - locale-switcher/locale-switcher: Browser Extension to quickly change your browser locale. a i odlično je napisan.

A razmatrao sam: Full switch: Language Switch – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US) i to jeste korisna ekstenzija baš zato što sve menja (navigator.language je bitan jer to koristim za Polylang na primer) Just Accept-Language header: bilo koja extenzija za modify headers ili ovo je najjednostavnije sorz/accept-language-per-site: Firefox extension to change Accept-Language for different sites.

  1. Za CORS i CSP header-e ModHeader - Modify HTTP headers ili didierfred/SimpleModifyHeaders at v1.8.1

  2. Da fake rezultate upita



Stao sam na sledećem:

hteo sam onaj t alias sa tmux kao i ll sa exa ali pošto se ne pokreće poslednji, moram nešto da dodam vidi ZZ30-aliases.sh

a dodajem bashrc.d odnosno zshrc.d i dodajem da se to sourcuje

mkdir -p ~/.bashrc.d

cat <<'EOF' > ~/.bash_aliases
[ -d ~/.bashrc.d ] && for file in ~/.bashrc.d/*.sh; do source "$file"; done

cat « EOF | sudo tee ~/.bashrc.d/ZZ30-aliases.sh

show all and in color

alias ls=“ls -al –color=tty” alias exa=“exa -al”

use exa if installed and fallback to ls

to pass parameters, we must use shell function

alias ll=‘ls -al –color=tty’

function _ll { if command -v exa &>/dev/null; then exa; else ls; fi; } alias ll="_ll"

alias ff=“find . -name” alias t=“sudo su - -c ’tmux new-session -A -s default’”


Kakav spas:

Windows Default Keybindings Windows Default Keybindings - Visual Studio Marketplace smcpeak/vscode-default-keys-windows: VSCode extension that provides default Windows keybindings on any platform

Za tmux, da uvek radi copy-paste https://dev.to/iggredible/the-easy-way-to-copy-text-in-tmux-319g#comment-1k2g0

a i set-option -g default-command “reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh” https://medium.com/@bramblexu/enable-tmux-copy-paste-in-vs-code-terminal-for-mac-408a5cf94cd9 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/86829

I want to create a command line utility that will Generate golang code that will collect all json or jsonc files in folder and merge them by “rules” key. The generated json (jsonc must be converted to json) file should be written to disk.

do the same in lua, but append rules. rules have key “description” that code should print while processing and also check if the identical description.

Browser Extension: Extension Managers

Ipak najbolji extension manager za Chrome je: Extension Manager

Extensioner with repo at GitHub - endenizen/extensioner: yo dawg i herd you like extensions Extensions Steward with repo at GitHub - Semibold/Extensions-Steward: Chrome Extensions Steward Custom Chrome - Extension Manager


How to increase tmux buffer size https://www.debugpointer.com/linux/tmux-increase-scrollback-buffer-size

How to copy and paste immediately to system buffer

vscode kill processes on remote server

Kada se neki vscode proces zakuca na remote SSH serveru, najbolje je da probaš sledeće stvari:

  • Pokreni VSCode komandu: “Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host”
  • ako to nije pomoglo, onda kill-ovanje svih vscode procesa na serveru hoće. Jedini način da to uradiš sa wildcard-ovima je pkill pa kucaj: pkill -e -f -c '^.*vscode.*$'

vscode file permissions

Potrebne privilegije da bi radili vscode build tools as user and not as root

# fix file permissions on dev server for vite and other node build tools
pushd . && z ghost2wp && cd ../.. && chown -R --reference . * && find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; && find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; && popd

Ali da bi execute some node_modules tools, potrebno je veći priviledge na node_modules/.bin i slično.

chown -R --reference . * && find . -type f -exec chmod 774 {} \; && find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

WordPress Security


Automate WordPress security on all your websites - Patchstack

Rob Howard: Is WordPress security getting better or worse? Robert Rowley: Rebuttal: How Patchstack is improving WordPress security

Savršena baza security: Wordpress Wordpress : CVE security vulnerabilities, versions and detailed reports Za sve, ne samo za WordPress.

Koliko god staro, meni se ovo sviđa:

vrana/JsShrink: Remove spaces and comments from JavaScript code (available in PHP and JavaScript)

SCSS Tool:

scout-app/scout-app: Scout-App - The simplest Sass processor

About PHP:

PHP triky - PHP: a fractal of not so bad design od autora Adminer-a PHP: a fractal of bad design / fuzzy notepad

Meld helps you compare file content or folders i najbolji je cross platform tool. Using meld on Mac


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X (Copy, Paste, Cut) Ctrl+A (Select All) Ctrl+Z (Undo), Ctrl-Y (Redo) or Ctrl+Shift+Z (Redo) Ctrl+F (Find), Ctrl+Shift+F (Find in Files)

Microsoft Legacy Shortcuts:

Undo: Alt+Backspace
Cut: Shift+Delete
Copy: Ctrl+Insert
Paste: Shift+Insert

Ovo su svi shortcutovi… Keyboard mappings using a PC keyboard on a Macintosh - Microsoft Support

a ovo je neki Hammerspoon plugin: AwesomeKeys – a new way to hack your key shortcuts (plugin) : hammerspoon mobily/awesome-keys: 🚀 AwesomeKeys is a plugin for Hammerspoon, that allows customizing global and app-specific key bindings.


hammerspoon · GitHub Topics

za Weddyplace onaj Ad plugin

Plugin, pametno, koristi svoj wp-content/ajax-handler.php koji je optimizovan i ne učitava ceo WP samo da bi evidentirao Ad statistiku. Ako to nešto ne radi, uvek se može vratiti na standardni wp-admin/admin-ajax.php.

Dakle, možemo to lako rešiti, ali mislim da je njihovo rešenje odlično.

What you need to know about the tracking methods

Advanced Ads Filter Hooks

Šta je ovo za cookie The Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) v2.0

date 01. Jan 0001 | modified 13. May 2024
filename: » Tempo » Notepad 2023-11-10